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Bagged Lunch and A Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban Ministry
By Jeremy | October 23, 2007
I had the privilege of writing the "Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban Ministry" workshop last year for Reload 2006-2007.
Workshop Description: Called but underfunded. Impassioned and hungry for more. Broke and feeling alone. How do bi-vocational youth workers pay the bills and buy the stuff necessary to get the job done? Jesus received one recorded offering in his career. The disciples didn't get it. The masses were confused. But a boy with a bagged lunch understood, and his tuna fish sandwich fed 5,000. A husband's debts nearly cost a widow her son's freedom. The prophet's response: "What's in your hand?" A few drops of oil and a town full of jars later, she bought their freedom. Let's explore how to turn tuna fish and empty bottles into resources for urban ministry. Workshop Objectives: 1. Examine God’s Creative Model. 2. Reflect on this model in the context of the story of the widow in 2 Kings and the Fish and Loaves in the Gospel. 3. Apply the model in youth ministry contexts. 4. Identify practical tools for finding resources in your community. 5. Introduce a framework for developing assets in young people.The UYWI Store has the workshop CD available for purchase here, but you can download the powerpoint slides for free (PDF), along with the teaching notes (PDF). Or you can check in periodically for Bagged Lunch morsels as a series of blogposts.
Topics: bagged lunch, creativity, fund raising, reload, resources, speaking, strategic planning, training, UYWI | No Comments »
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