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  • bagged lunch

    Creating something from nothing (Bagged Lunch Final Morsel)

    Monday, November 5th, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7 This is the final post in an eight-part series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban Ministry”. Read [...]

    40 More Tools for the Process (Bagged Lunch Morsel 7)

    Friday, November 2nd, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 7 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]

    Tools for the Process (Bagged Lunch Morsel 6)

    Tuesday, October 30th, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 6 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]

    Creativity in your Context (Bagged Lunch Morsel 5)

    Sunday, October 28th, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 5 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]

    A Boy Feeds 5,000 (Bagged Lunch Morsel 4)

    Saturday, October 27th, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 4 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]

    A Widow Saves Her Children (Bagged Lunch Morsel 3)

    Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 3 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]

    “In the beginning, God created…” (Bagged Lunch, Morsel 2)

    Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 2 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]

    Bagged Lunch and A Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban Ministry

    Tuesday, October 23rd, 2007

    + Bagged Lunch Morsel 1; Morsel 2; Morsel 3; Morsel 4; Morsel 5; Morsel 6, Morsel 7; Morsel 8 This is post 1 of 8 in a series based on the curriculum I wrote for last year’s Urban Youth Workers Institute Reload training events: “Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban [...]