• Cultivating Character and Competence // Changing Communities and Culture

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    Pre-order Transformations postcards before March 15, save 20%. [Postcard front (minus copyright notice); 4x6; 4-color, matte finish; custom back available.]

    Back Copy:
    Transformations Greg King, 2002 Oil on Canvas Triptych measuring 8'×12' Courtesy Community Solutions, Inc. Transformations depicts Community Solutions' vision for community and individual renewal. The cityscape's perimeter is characterized by the worst that cities offer: drug deals, burning buildings, traffic, smut shops, and more. But at the heart of the city, a transformation is beginning. The buildings are straighter; it's brighter; even the architecture is different. And the transformation is working its way outward. A bridge connects individuals to the community-wide transformation. They come with baggage: personal addictions, emotional wounds, failing families. Compelling them across the bridge are young people and the YW8? (Why Wait?) symbol, shining like a beacon from the City's heart, reminding them that they don't need to wait until tomorrow to experience transformation today. As they come, their walk get straighter; their futures look brighter; and the transformation that begins in their heart works its way outward.
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