• Cultivating Character and Competence // Changing Communities and Culture

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  • Photos

    Professional / Personal / Recommended

    If, as the adage goes, an ordinary picture is worth 1,000 words, what are truly timeless images worth? At its best, photography transforms fleeting moments into enduring icons that have the power to move and inspire and challenge us for generations to come. In tribute to the legendary Life magazine photojournalists whose pictures changed the 20th century (see these, for example), below are some of my own amateur photos, along with links to some of my Collections and Sets on Flickr. Visit my Flickr account for a complete index.
    Related + Multimedia (audio and video downloads) + All Photo Sets


    Sample Collections

    Generation Xcel, 13 sets Ministry, 21 sets LPAC, 8 sets

    Sample Sets

    CRW_4062_640x480 May 2006 016 mtg_billy_graham_web logorevised
    Xcel in Review: 2003, 138 photos Xcel in Review: 2002, 56 photos Old Skool Xcel 1996-2001, 81 photos CCDA 2006, 58 photos Ground Zero, 57 photos Bball 07-15-06 Celebration of Xcellence 2006, 36 photos Heroes, 12 photos Billy Graham, 15 photos Xcel Summer 2005, 55 photos


    Sample Collections

    Family, 54+ sets Judah, 22+ sets Travel, 17+ sets


    Upstate 0506 01 (13) Upstate 0506 043 tball 003
    New Year's Eve, 12 photos Judah's 6th Birthday, 43 photos Christmas 2006, 82 photos Kyra the dog, 37 photos Fall 2006, 33 Photos Summer Vacation 2006, 91 Photos Puerto Rico 2006, 76 Photos Abuelo, 61 Photos Memorial Day 2006, 24 photos Upstate Images, 12 photos Yankee Prospect, 20 photos Judah's Kindergarten Grad 2006

    Michael Mowery

    New York photographer Michael Mowery, my friend and teacher, frequently volunteers to photograph events for Community Solutions and teach photography classes at Generation Xcel. His CSI/Xcel pictures include:
    Xpress Photoshoot (2005): 1, 2, 3 Voice of Silence (production 2/05): 1, 2 Life in Translation (production, 12/04): 1, 2 Celebration of Xcellence (banquet, 06/04): 1, 2, 3 interSECTIONS (production, 05/04): 1, 2 Xpress Photoshoot (2004): 1, 2, 3 Holiday eXpressions (production, 12/02): Gallery
    Visit Michael Mowery Photography, and book him for your next event!