• Cultivating Character and Competence // Changing Communities and Culture

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    In the News + About Jeremy + About Community Solutions, Inc.

    In the News

    Fuller Youth Institute, "Open Source Advocacy…Open Source Youth Ministry?" (12/11/08)
    Our friend Jeremy Del Rio is modeling what systemic approaches to justice are all about.  An advocate for kids in his community and other communities across New York City, Jeremy and a collaborative team recently launched the 20/20 Vision for Schools movement.  ... Brilliant.  Rather than posturing for position in the political games that often drive education reform (or fail to drive it, as the case may be), this movement seeks to open source their process and radically model sharing to kids by sharing with one another.  They, in turn, hope to be a model the whole country can follow.  There’s more than a little we can learn from this in youth ministry.  ...I don’t have this figured out, but I’m inspired by what our friend in New York is doing.  And I’m stirred to get better at what I continually ask my own young children to do: share.
    Youth Specialties, "Meet Jeremy Del Rio" (11/11/08)
    It’s really hard to categorize what Jeremy does. His passion is to relabel and equip any Christian with meaningful contact with adolescents as a youth worker. ... Let me invite you to get to know Jeremy. I hope you are as challenged and encouraged by Jeremy’s deep sense of bringing educational justice to New York City.
    New Man, "Taking it to the Streets" (8/06)
    "Del Rio is passionate about reaching a youth culture that has largely been disconnected from the church. When he feels overwhelmed by the task at hand, Del Rio is quickly reminded of Romans 5:20, which says in part, 'where sin increased, grace increased all the more' (NIV)."
    Charisma, "30 Emerging Voices" (8/05)
    "Who will lead the church in the next decade? These young Christian leaders, all 40 or younger, represent THE FUTURE OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH. ... 12. Jeremy Del Rio, 30 - Not too many law school graduates quit their legal careers to do street ministry. But that is what Del Rio did after the 9/11 terrorist attacks...."
    Prism, "Surfacing Hispanic Leaders" (8-9/05)
    "Jeremy Del Rio is a go-to-youth worker coordinator in the greater New York City area, having assisted the Ground Zero Clergy Task Force, Mission America, and the recent Billy Graham Crusade in youth organizing...."
    Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox, "New York inner-city ministry touches youth with God's love" (1/06)
    "Young people touched by Generation Xcel come from the toughest of environments. ... The ministry literally saved [Mei-Ling Garcia's] life when her mother died. The other youth who helped start Xcel also know of drug addicted parents, abuse, molestation, and death and were able to comfort her."
    Emergent profile, "Ethnic Diversity Within the Church That Is Emerging" (11/05)
    "Each one provides a valuable, non-token contribution toward future discussions, conferences, writings, and - ultimately - forms of doing and being church."
    New York Newsday, "Saturday night's main event: Rev. Graham--and the kids" (6/27/05)
    "As Jeremy Del Rio tries to fire up kids to come Saturday night to a special 'Youth Night' for the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, he's accustomed to blank stares...."
    Citizen, "Lessons from the ashes" (11/01)
    "... A few nights after the tragedy, for instance, Jeremy Del Rio and two other pastors on the task force struck up a conversation with a fire captain and his deputy. "We asked if they would like prayer, and they said, 'Please, we need all the prayer we can get.' " As the pastors prayed, the firemen's radios began to squawk, and the pastors paused so the men could hear the call. Instead, one of the firemen put his hand over his radio and asked them to continue praying."
    Christian Examiner, "Churches mobilize new network to minister at Ground Zero" (9/01)
    "As the symbol of America's prosperity unraveled under the force of hatred run amuck on Sept. 11, thousands of tons of debris rained down on lower Manhattan, caking entire blocks with dust, ashes and treasured paperwork.When it was over, dozens of shoestring churches and ministries, operated by the blood, sweat and tears of its knuckle-worn leadership and volunteers, were faced with helping some of the nation's most advanced companies deal with the sorrow, loss and the overwhelming task of building anew...."
    Union Square Awards (12/00)
    "Abruptly, in 1997, the New York City Housing Authority changed the locks and forced the group out of the space. For the next two years, local youth and their families struggled to reopen the center. They were successful...."

    About Jeremy

    "He can be my lawyer anytime." - Hon. Rudolph Giuliani, Mayor, City of New York / Watch: Short, Long "There is nothing common about the Del Rios. God has called them to be extraordinary leaders. ... Jeremy began his preaching career at the age of 13 and started a youth ministry at 19. [He] left a promising career as an attorney at a premier New York City law firm to join his Dad in leading the disaster relief activities of the Northeast Clergy Group. He now serves as Executive Director of Generation Xcel, reaching at-risk kids and empowering them with hope and viable alternatives to the streets. Uncommon men for uncommon times. Reverend Richard Del Rio and Jeremy Del Rio: tonight's Leaving A Legacy honorees!" - Dr. A.R. Bernard, Christian Cultural Center "If there were a list of 50 Christian leaders under the age of 40 to watch in the future, Jeremy would be on it. An attorney by training, he brings a wide range of competencies to the work of urban youth development. As a writer, facilitator, pastor and friend, Jeremy develops and sustains relationships that have broad and long-term impact. He is adept and comfortable in high-level situations such as White House consultations, national leadership gatherings, and high-stress relief efforts. At the same time he is skilled and trustworthy with urban youth on the street and families in poverty and crisis. I look forward to his contributions to this nation, and to urban youth in particular, in the coming decades." - Rodolpho Carrasco, Executive Director, Harambee Christian Family Center; Board Member, World Vision & Christian Community Development Assoc. "In every generation there are those individuals that emerge who are willing to pay the price to make a difference. One of those champions in this emerging generation is Jeremy DelRio. Jeremy makes impressions upon others that are indelible. He inspires, motivates and encourages people to candid review of where things really are and where things should go. This in my estimation is the sign of a true leader. From high level gatherings of critical thinkers, think tanks for emerging leaders, to compassion coalition round tables, I have observed that Jeremy has proven to be a young man with wisdom beyond his years. Though Jeremy can function with excellence with those of reputation, his is also the world of the unlovely, uncouthed, debased and broken. This makes him the man of genuine substance that causes him to excel far beyond the reputations of man. Many champions emerge during times of crisis. True character is found in a man or woman during times of crisis. In a world of crisis and challenge, Jeremy has emerged as a true champion. I'm proud to be on his team." - Dr. Doug Stringer, Somebody Cares America/International "A great blog site from one of the most exciting young minds in the kingdom. Jeremy Del Rio is a much respected leader in the community of faith with a deep passion for the urban context and I am honored to call him friend. We both come from a rich heritage of ministers (his grandfather chauffeured my parents on the their wedding day) so we find much comfort in each other's presence and fellowship. I trust him with family, friends and church. You will find his blog inspiring, thought-provoking, and even rattling as he presses those who read it into authenticity." - Rev. Joseph Henry Cortese, Crossroads Tabernacle "It is my privilege to endorse the ministry of Jeremy Del Rio. [We have] been doing work with local churches in New York City since the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Jeremy has provided significant leadership and insight into our ministry operations since that time. I have found [him] to be a leader gifted not only with a vision for his community but also possessing the administrative capacity to bring plans into reality." - Chad Hammond, Director of Strategic Ventures, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association "I've seen Jeremy take on cutting edge assignments and pull them off with passion and professionalism. Bottom line, Jeremy delivers on what God has called him to do. I support Jeremy's revolutionary shift in how the evangelical community engages youth culture. I ask you to join me in supporting, endorsing, and encouraging." - Rev. Wayne Pederson, President, Mission America Coalition "Reaching youth in urban centers takes skill, fortitude, love and the grace of God! It takes gifted leaders like Jeremy Del Rio and Generation Xcel whom I am proud to know and partner with. They are building a movement that will not only impact young people in Manhattan but, as they partner with others, it will be a model for urban centers across the nation." - Paul Fleischmann, President, National Network of Youth Ministries "Jeremy is a strategic visionary who is able to capture the larger picture and also the steps necessary to bring that view into reality. He is equipped to navigate the corporate, political and religious landscape effectively. Jeremy has brought these skills to bear [at] Generation Xcel. It is without reservation that I recommend [him] for your careful consideration." - Rev. Marcos Rivera, Senior Pastor, Primitive Christian Church "Over the years I have watched with great joy and admiration the development and leadership giftings of Jeremy Del Rio. He is a brilliant young man who has demonstrated his passion for the kingdom of God by leaving all to speak into this generation. He has the rare combination of being a great speaker, profound thinker and a person of action. I highly endorse him and his ministry." - Bishop Joseph Mattera, Resurrection Church "Jeremy Del Rio is a trusted friend with many gifts and talents. His innovative thinking and passion for young people are definitely displayed through Generation Xcel. Not only have I come to greatly respect and appreciate Jeremy's accomplishments, but I am thankful to call him a brother and co-laborer in the service of the Lord." - Pastor Adam Durso, Executive Director, Youth Explosion Ministries "Jeremy Del Rio has a list of accomplishments that is remarkable. Since Jeremy left his position as a corporate attorney to dedicate his life full-time to the youth in NYC, his ministry has grown exponentially and the programs that are emerging from it promote a revolutionary shift in how the larger evangelical community engages the youth culture." - Rev. James Esposito, Director, NY Christian Resource Center

    About Community Solutions, Inc.

    (d/b/a Generation Xcel) "Generation Xcel provides a valuable service to community youth. I am deeply concerned about the lack of alternative programs available to fill the avoid that would exist [without] Xcel." - Hon. Nydia Velazquez, United States Congress (D-NY) "You are doing such telling work and have achieved this productivity in such a short period. I feel privileged to part of your advisory board. My recent visit to your program site heightened my appreciation. I was struck by the efficient operation: so much impact out of so little space. Urban youth culture so direly needs what Generation Xcel has to offer. You're off to a splendid start! Keep up the great work!" - Joe Holland, Esq., former NYS Housing Secretary under Gov. Pataki "The work of Generation Xcel is innovative, impactful, and real. Youth need friends that will love them through the difficult journeys of life - Generation Xcel provides that. Youth need hope for the future - Generation Xcel leads them to that. Youth need a safe place where they can learn, grow, and be challenged - Generation Xcel is that." - Lisa Cummins, President, Urban Strategies; former Associate Director, White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives "Generation Xcel is living proof that neighborhood initiatives can overcome gang lifestyles." - Richard Stanley, Esq., former Asst. U.S. Attorney (SDNY) "These guys are as effective as any I have seen. Not only are they providing a vital resource and opportunity for youth in the neighborhood, but they are rebuilding troubled communities, one person at a time." - Rev. Nicky Cruz, President, Nicky Cruz Outreach "Jeremy and the work of Generation Xcel is one of the most strategic ministry initiatives among youth in New York City. I cannot think of a more strategic leader and more important audience than what is represented by Jeremy and Generation Xcel. The entire city of New York would be benefited by your support of Generation Xcel for our youth." - Dr. McKenzie Pier, President, Concerts of Prayer Greater New York "Generation Xcel is the kind of forward thinking ministry with strong, committed staff who know where they're going and how to transform a generation. [We are] proud to have them as one of National Ministry Partners and we encourage anyone who has a passion for urban kids to support and pray for this dynamic and successful outreach." Rev. Dean Cowles, President, YouthPartnersNET "I wholeheartedly recommend the leadership of Jeremy Del Rio and the ministry of Generation Xcel. Your participation with him in his quest to 'create demand for, and reason to, hope in communities that long ago forgot what hope is' will reap eternal benefits of lives changed and souls saved!" Fred D. Lynch III, God Style Productions "Building character through leadership has always been the axis to the success of youth development at Generation Xcel. I have personally observed the effectiveness of this success in the lives of young people who are leaders within this program. Many of them overcame gang involvement, generational substance abuse, and lives of crime as a direct result of supervision, leadership development and responsibility building through Generation Xcel." Wendell Moore, The Door