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  • xcel summer

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    Got Game?

    Tuesday, July 19th, 2005

    Jam @ Xcel’s tenth annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Saturday, 7/23/05. Featuring music by DJ Kenny Mitchell and T.R.A. Details here.60 late days account credit dateaccreditation online university boardprograms online certification accreditedschools of accrediting council and collegesdeb africa credit cardpower employees credit alabama unionnorth accreditation centralactive tax duty credits training Map

    Hasta la vista, friends

    Wednesday, July 13th, 2005

    Our LA LA interns returned to Cali today. To Edgar, Michelle, Joe, Artia, April, Ignacio, Kristin, Gayleah, and Yolanda: you will be missed. Thank you for your graciousness, your willingness to be stretched, and, most of all, your compassion and kindness for our kids. Your family and friends should be proud of the dignity with [...]

    Perspective, part two

    Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

    After the commotion of the Crusade and Xcel’s June calendar, I took Thursday and Friday off to extend the holiday weekend and hopefully get some rest. But alas, rest was not to be. On Thursday, Judah and I picked up his friend Sammy for two days of all-boy fun (see Perspective, part one, below). Unfortunately [...]

    Xcel Summer

    Thursday, June 30th, 2005

    Xcel Summer 2005 = another opportunity to be resourceful. Lack of cash + abundance of volunteer interns = program innovations, including sports camp, architecture classes and more. Launch date: July 5. Note: Generation Xcel is still receiving donations towards the matching grant challenge presented by our loaves and fish donor from earlier this month. Join [...]

    Prayer Alert – June 29, 2005

    Wednesday, June 29th, 2005

    Below is our most recent prayer alert. Normally I don’t post these, but I want to invite readers of the blog to receive monthly alerts in the future. If interested, please email genxcel at gmail dot com and I’ll add you to our prayer list. ____________________________________ Friends and Prayer Partners: This Prayer Alert is two [...]

    This is the deal that just went right

    Thursday, June 16th, 2005

    Miracles always come from unexpected places. On Tuesday night, for example, a friend and his wife wanted to present me with a financial gift for Generation Xcel. First they shared their story. Both husband and wife are LES lifers, born and raised. He and his five brothers were thugs, running a wholesale drug business that [...]

    Pressing on

    Monday, June 13th, 2005

    On the first Sunday of every November for the last 36 years, the greatest city in the world effectively shuts down in order to accomodate 35,000 crazies who want to run outside my apartment building for the annual New York City Marathon. It’s quite a sight. For nearly an hour a seemingly endless mob of [...]

    Teter’s crew arrived

    Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

    Nine InterVarsity students from Cal State Dominguez Hills arrived from L.A. late last night for a six week internship at Generation Xcel. After site seeing today, they’ll be thrown into the mix tomorrow as staff for the Celebration. Then Monday and Tuesday they get a Chain Reaction intensive, followed by youth outreach LES style through [...]

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