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    About that vacation

    Thursday, August 23rd, 2007

    It begins today. We leave for Orlando at 2:50 pm on JetBlue for some much needed rest and refreshing. As we leave, I take with me these meditations. “God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” Genesis 2:2 “But the seventh day is [...]

    Winter Wonderland

    Friday, February 23rd, 2007

    Judah and I have been chasing snow all winter, but mild temperatures have kept all but an occassional dusting far away from the Big Apple. Even the twelve feet that fell in Oswego County last week barely dropped a few inches in the city. And the day those few inches fell, Judah was diagnosed with [...]

    Final Vacation Post – Catskill Game Farm

    Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

    We’re b…a…c…k from vacation. Judah at the venerable Catskill Game Farm. After 73 years, the Game Farm is closing for good in October. Diana and I both have such great childhood memories from there that we had to take Judah. He made the most of the experience! Photo Set. Despite prolonged withdrawal the first few [...]

    He’s now a believer

    Saturday, August 26th, 2006

    Last night, looking at pictures of his vacation, Judah declared: “I can’t believe I did this, daddy. I mean, I find it hard to believe.”

    4.2 miles

    Saturday, August 26th, 2006

    Judah hiked that distance to the summit of Hunter Mountain last Thursday. I’m still in awe. We had taken the “Skyride” chairlift 1600 ft. up the mountain, where I half-expected him to wander around for fifteen minutes before getting bored and taking the return trip down the mountain. When he stumbled within our first two [...]


    Saturday, August 26th, 2006

    An unprepared Judah and I quickly discovered that’s the permanent temperature 156 ft. below ground in Howe Caverns. Dairy farmer Lester Howe discovered the underground wonderland in the summer of 1842 when his cattle gathered around bushes in the open sun, unlike every other local cow that frittered away hot afternoons lounging under shade trees. [...]

    Better than the movies and even Chuck-E-Cheese

    Saturday, August 26th, 2006

    That was the consensus of three children after ferrying from Newbury Port, Massachusetts, to Shoal Islands, off the coast of Maine and New Hampshire, last Monday night. Sandwiched between two, one-hour boat trips (the second one at sunset), Judah and his cousins Willie and Amber spent two hours climbing the rocky shores of Star Island. [...]


    Saturday, August 19th, 2006

    For about 10-14 days. Flying to Florida tonight to preach in the morning at my youth pastor’s church, then catching up with Di and Judah in Boston tomorrow for a much needed vacation. See ya soon.

    Thy Kingdom come, on earth

    Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

    Ok, maybe it’s not quite that kingdom, but it’s not bad either. First Judah conquered Disney’s Magic Kingdom and Typhoon Lagoon, and then on Saturday Uncle Roger and Aunt Teresa surprised us with tickets to Universal’s Islands of Adventure as well. Below are just a few of the higlights; for more pics, go here.

    Anatomy of an unrestful (but thoroughly enjoyable) vacation

    Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

    Friday, 8/26: Leave New York City after rush hour for Methuen, Massachusetts. Arrive 11:30 pm. Saturday: Celebrate Lil Wil’s 9th birthday (for the third time in one week). Sunday: Leave Boston’s Logan Airport at 2:30; arrive in Orlando at 5. Rent car and check into Sheraton Vistana Resort by 6:30. Dinner at Ponderosa (blah!) at [...]

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