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    I’m proud of him

    Wednesday, March 30th, 2005

    I ran into Kevin Cedeno this afternoon. He’s still flying high after receiving an acceptance letter from John Jay College last week, and his work with the Youth Justice Board has him interviewing Department of Education bigwigs (on the schedule, Chancellor Joel Klein and possibly Mayor Bloomberg) and criminal justice experts. Three years ago, Kevin [...]

    Billy Graham to New York Youth: “Get Real”

    Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005

    Answer: 5 million. Question: How many young people under 19 live in metro New York? Answer: A reality check. Question: How are they going to have a credible opportunity to attend the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade? Yes, the Youth Committee for the Crusade and the local pastors that appointed us need a reality [...]

    A surreal life — breaking news — please pray

    Monday, March 21st, 2005

    Last month was Square One. Today was Day One. Last Thursday, the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade offered me a three-month retainer to direct the Get Real youth campaign as part of the June crusade. (More on Get Real in a future post.) What an opportunity! In an earlier post I wrote about Billy [...]

    Something’s Happenin’ Here

    Wednesday, March 16th, 2005

    Vibe Magazine on our friends at Youth Explosion: “Rap meets religion at the Christ Tabernacle in Queens, where they bring the ruckus as much as they repent.” Check out the six page photo spread here. What was that I heard about every knee bowing, and every tongue confessing?

    "Waiting for Medici vs. Fight Club"

    Friday, March 11th, 2005

    Check out Rudy’s thoughts on resourcefulness. I’m feelin’ this, mainly because it so aptly describes our story. Thirteen iner city kids ages 14-22 started Generation Xcel in 1996 with no money, no space, no equipment, and no paid staff. And no Medici (benefactor). Objectively, there was no way we could open a youth center in [...]

    The Coalition launched a blog today

    Monday, March 7th, 2005

    Check it out here: www.thecoalitionnyc.blogspot.com

    Akon’s achin’ ghetto

    Monday, March 7th, 2005

    If you ever wondered why God loves inner city kids, check out the (cheesey pun alert!) aching song Ghetto by hip hop/R&B singer Akon. An immigrant to NJ from Senegal, he was ensnared by the streets until a jail stint forced him to concentrate on his music. A lyrical sample follows: These streets remind me [...]

    Viva la revolution! – Part 2: the Mobilization Strategy

    Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005

    So my original report from Square One promised a follow-up post with next step instructions. Here goes. 1. Grow the army. To the extent we’re serious about giving 5 million young people in the Greater New York area a credible opportunity to attend Billy Graham’s “Get Real” Crusade, 787 youth leaders is a nice start [...]

    Viva la revolution! My report from Square One

    Monday, February 28th, 2005

    787 youth leaders converged on the Roosevelt Hotel in midtown for the Square One breakfast Saturday morning. Evangelistically speaking, that’s eight hundred. Youth leaders. From the New York metro area. There are 298 public high schools and alternative high school programs in the five boroughs. Hmm. 800 youth leaders. 300 high schools. Those schools are [...]

    29,000 died of hunger today

    Friday, February 25th, 2005

    That many die of hunger every 24 hours. To them we dedicated the Voice of Silence. Over two hundred inner city teens gathered at Primitive Christian Church to consider the pain of hunger as part of World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. Through spoken word, music, dance, and art, they identified with the hurting and vowed [...]

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