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    Friday, February 20th, 2009

    The Week that was in New York Sports

    The Good
    Kryptonite tramples Superman

    The Bad
    The A-roid Media Circus

    The Ugly
    Good riddance to the Purple Eyesore that was Shea Stadium

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    A Day to “Misremember”

    Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

    The only redemptive takeaway from today’s Congressional steroid hearings was this quote from Andy Pettitte: “I have to tell you all the truth. I have to live with myself. And one day I have to give an account to God and not to nobody else of what I’ve done in my life. And that’s why [...]

    No Longer Dandy?

    Thursday, December 13th, 2007

    The biggest disappointment in today’s Mitchell Report: Andy Pettitte. That notorious creeps Barroid Bonds, Kevin Brown, Gary Sheffield and even Rocket Roger Clemens were fingered is far less surprising (although having the greatest hitter (Bonds) and pitcher (Clemens) of the Steroid Era exposed in the same report is poetic justice). But Pettitte was the aw [...]

    Great Day for Baseball*

    Friday, November 16th, 2007

    + Bonds indicted AND + A-rod’s coming back home AND + Boras has been humbled AND + The Yankees drove up the Sawx price to retain World Series MVP (or snagged him away) AND + The Mets signed … Torre…alba.

    And so ended years of angry denials by one of the world’s most celebrated athletes.

    Saturday, October 6th, 2007

    Barroid’s prequel? She was a liar and a cheat, she told the judge, her eyes never straying from his face. … The owner of three Olympic golds and two bronze medals, Jones came clean Friday and admitted she used steroids. She pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators when she denied using performance-enhancing drugs, then [...]

    Guilty pleasure

    Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

    I voted for the asterisk.

    I Felt Dirty

    Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

    I turned on ESPN last night hoping to catch 10 minutes of Sports Center before bed, and instead found myself watching their obsessive coverage of Barroid’s pursuit of infamy. The pitch and swing that gave Barroid his * in sports lure invaded my living room — live. It was like watching a thief rewarded for [...]

    Monday Miscellany

    Monday, August 6th, 2007

    + Homicide: Life on the Streets of Baltimore. 190 homicides in 217 days. We have to do something. + Pressures on Newark’s new mayor and political darling Cory Booker to deliver after city’s murder rate spikes again. + Playing dirty politics with age-old Christian divisions. + The Bronx is Burning. Not the show. The Team! [...]

    “The freakish growth of Bonds’ body parts”

    Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

    The paperback release of Game of Shadows includes additional unchallenged details regarding Barry Bonds’ steroid regime. “… the freakish growth of Bonds’ body parts in his years with the Giants: from size 42 to a size 52 jersey; from size 10 1/2 to size 13 cleats; and from a size 7 1/8 to size 7 [...]

    As if his credibility wasn’t already shot

    Friday, September 23rd, 2005

    Rafael Palmiero tried to pass the buck for his positive steroid test by blaming a teammate, whose only offense was giving him a vitamin B-12 pill. Enough with the fingerpointing. Update: Orioles tell Palmiero his season’s done.

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