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    Already the vultures are circling

    Tuesday, October 4th, 2005

    “New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin has what federal officials say is an ambitious plan to bring 180,000 people back to the city. But will some residents be priced out of their old neighborhoods? Some are worried developers will buy damaged land on the cheap and build expensive high-rise apartments.” Link. posted by Jeremy Del Rio [...]

    What would you do?

    Sunday, September 18th, 2005

    I just found out that a minister who fled New York in disgrace four years ago due to a sordid sex scandal is now the president of a prominent ministry leadership network, on the speaking circuit again, and on the boards of several global ministries, including one devoted to marriage integrity. The scandal rocked his [...]

    The Pit we call Ground Zero

    Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

    Check out MSNBC’s blogcast for the scandal that has become the rebuilding of Ground Zero.accredited investoraccredited online masters programsaccredited university onlinemerchant card accept account creditbureau 3 credit reportcards accept instant now credit rightcredit amplify unionamerican card credit debt Map730 dip mp3 dipmp3 anthem 5nizzasahasranamam mp3 5vishnurick ross mp3 737courses loan processing accredited750 mp3 saint diablomp3 [...]

    "Say it

    Friday, March 18th, 2005

    That mythic phrase directed at disgraced baseball legend “Shoeless” Joe Jackson nearly a century ago resounded loudly once again throughout the halls of Congress yesterday. Contemporary baseball hero, the “Bunyanesque” Mark McGwire, was exposed as a coward as he refused to own up to his past during Congressional hearings on the sordid steroid scandel. As [...]

    Surprise, Surprise – Bonds Blames Media

    Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005

    Barry Bonds joined the chorus of the unrepentant when he blamed everyone but himself for the firestorm of steroid controversy that threatens to overshadow his baseball legacy.

    Another responsibility failure

    Thursday, February 10th, 2005

    How ’bout good ole Kim Jong II of North Korea? He hadn’t heard himself speak on an international stage in a few months, so this week he decided to boast about his possession of nukes and willingness to use them to defend his tyrannical regime against the United States’ “ever more undisguised policy to isolate [...]

    Giambi accepts responsibility … for what?

    Thursday, February 10th, 2005

    At a press conference today peppered with vague apologies and “I’m sorry” statements, Jason Giambi claimed to take full responsibility for what exactly? I for one can’t figure out what he was saying. He apologized for “distractions,” for “letting down” alot of people (including my then 2-year-old son, who wore a Giambi Yankee uniform one [...]

    Murder made for prime time

    Wednesday, February 9th, 2005

    Last week I posted a note about the disproportionate news coverage generated by a murder in the Lower East Side. This week’s Village Voice chronicles the story behind the story of how a seemingly unexceptional murder became front page news around the country. Race is undeniably part of the duFresne story. The randomness and location [...]

    “The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience”

    Monday, February 7th, 2005

    Ouch. A little backhanded reality from Ron Sider in Christianity Today. An excerpt: Scandalous behavior is rapidly destroying American Christianity. By their daily activity, most “Christians” regularly commit treason. With their mouths they claim that Jesus is Lord, but with their actions they demonstrate allegiance to money, sex, and self-fulfillment. The findings in numerous national [...]

    Message or messenger — which is more distressing?

    Monday, February 7th, 2005

    Disgraced baseball slugger Jose Canseco is about to turn a quick buck trying to bring down other Major League disgraces. A serial controversy, Canseco made trouble everywhere he went throughout his long career. He continues in retirement by publishing a book naming names of other accused steroid cheaters. On the one hand, cheaters need to [...]

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