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    Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

    More silliness from our friends rebuilding Ground Zero: the Daily News reports that a contractor banned by the city and feds from government contracts due to alleged mob ties is nonetheless blasting bedrock for the future foundation of the Freedom Tower. Article.movies sex classiconline complete scripts moviemovie cumshot galleriesbrolly dbz 8 moviedildo sex moviesporn download [...]

    Fewer than 4 in 10 NYC high school students graduate

    Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

    “Education Week, which published the study, determined that only Detroit, with a 21.7% graduation rate, and Baltimore, with 38.5%, had a smaller percentage of kids earning diplomas in 2003 – the most recent national data available.” Article.See also, NPR’s report; Urban Institute.

    Katrina relief money funds erotica and exotica while DHS Chief slashes counter-terrorism dollars

    Friday, June 16th, 2006

    6/16/2006 09:54:00 AM|||Jeremy Del Rio||| “A $200 bottle of champagne from Hooters and $300 worth of ‘Girls Gone Wild’ videos were among items bought with debit cards handed out by FEMA to help hurricane victims, auditors probing $1 billion in potential waste and fraud have found.” Article.In yet another Katrina related FEMA fiasco, auditors reported [...]

    Would you listen to these men?

    Wednesday, June 14th, 2006

    I’ve been accused by my Charismatic brethren of being too cerebral when it comes to “receiving” from the Holy Spirit. I counter that God says to love him with all your heart, soul, and MIND. Still, at times I wonder if in my quest to “come now and reason together” I don’t at times overcompensate. [...]

    Definitely not role models

    Friday, December 30th, 2005

    Evidently the Miami and LSU footballs teams weren’t listening earlier this week when one of the great NFL coaches of our time, Tony Dungy of the Indianapolis Colts, buried his eighteen-year-old son after an apparent suicide. At the funeral, Dungy appealed to football players specifically, and world-class athletes generally, to respect their influence as role [...]

    He’s fired up

    Monday, October 31st, 2005

    Will Samson has a powerful post about the current Republican scandals and the evangelical silence in response to them: … Many in power within the Republican world stand accused of treasonous acts or other significant felonies. (As an aside, all of the current mention of indictments involve men) Scooter Libby, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney [...]

    Not his finest hour

    Friday, October 28th, 2005

    This week has been brutal to President Bush. 1. Another hurricane. 2. More FEMA delays. 3. The 2,000th casualty in Iraq. 4. Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers withdraws. 5. Senior aide indicted for 5 crimes, including perjury, obstruction of justice, and false reports. Here’s to hoping for a better week next week. posted by Jeremy [...]

    “Something happened that shouldn’t have happened.”

    Sunday, October 16th, 2005

    “The Louisiana attorney general’s office is investigating allegations that mercy killings occurred and has requested that autopsies be performed on all 45 bodies taken from the hospital after the storm.“Orleans Parish coroner Frank Minyard said investigators have told him they think euthanasia may have been committed. “‘They thought someone was going around injecting people with [...]

    Introspection, from one Christian to another

    Thursday, October 13th, 2005

    “Tom DeLay and Bill Frist, the two political operatives in Congress with arguably the deepest support among Christian churches, both face serious allegations of financial trickery. Karl Rove, the Bush administration power broker who speaks almost daily with Christian leaders to coordinate political action, is under investigation for divulging classified information, then covering up his [...]


    Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

    I received a spam email today with the following subject line: “Nagin said he still needed to confirm a report that the floodwaters will be gone much sooner than first thought, but progress was being made.” The email had absolutely nothing remotely to do with hurricane relief or even New Orleans. Some people are simply [...]

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