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    Sunday’s Coming

    Monday, April 9th, 2007

    Last Easter Reflection for 2007

    Scars … or Wounds?

    Monday, April 9th, 2007

    He trusted her. That’s what little brothers do, so when his eight year old sister and her friend called him into a field, four year old Eric went. There he entered a world without boundaries. Beginning that afternoon, for the next six or seven years his sister and her friends touched him, made him touch [...]

    Palm Sunday Miracle

    Friday, April 6th, 2007

    The following testimony took place on Sunday — Palm Sunday — at the Encounter. It’s posted anonymously, but rest assured, it’s legit. I can vouch for every word of it. _______________________ I want to tell you a story about reconciliation. Two years ago, I was falsely accused of horrible things by someone I hadn’t seen [...]

    Still the Champ

    Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

    “He pulled it off.” The man behind me exiting the theater said it best. Despite the good reviews and my own desire as a fan to see one LAST great Rocky movie, I was skeptical that a 60-yr-old fighter coming off Rocky 5 had a prayer. But he did. Sylvester Stallone pulled it off one [...]

    The Necessity of Wounds

    Thursday, December 14th, 2006

    If the truth were known, the saints of God in every age were only effective after they had been wounded. They experienced the humbling wounds that brought contrition, compassion and a yearning for the knowledge of God. – A.W. Tozer

    How my blog got hijacked

    Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

    Apparently inquiring minds want to know. So here’s the low-down, from an IM exchange earlier today with Tony. tony: how did your blog get jacked? me: blah fooey argh i’ve been battling to get wordpress’ import tool to work. reloaded it several times. all kinds of stuff. bottom line, it won’t work for me tony: [...]

    Reflections from church today

    Sunday, November 13th, 2005

    1. Sixteen year old Anthony Liatsis led worship at New Hope’s third service, consistently the largest of the three, with 250-300 attending. Once a month for four or five months, the youth band has led worship at the second service, but this was the first time, to my knowledge, that Anthony led in the third [...]

    On living in Egypt

    Monday, October 24th, 2005

    Children’s Bible story books speak to me. Not always. Sometimes they’re nauseatingly sanitized and redundant and filled with cheesy artwork. But sometimes reading them to Judah feels like God speaking to me. (Or maybe it’s just me amusing myself with my own thoughts; who knows?) Two such thoughts occurred to me tonight reading the stories [...]

    Hopelessness, “the great defeater”

    Thursday, October 6th, 2005

    In the spirit of Bob, this one’s from Mark Palmer, who’s battling cancer: “I guess what I really want to say is just this: be hopeful. Don’t stop fighting. On some level this thing is bigger than all of us. It’s not about having a wife die of cancer at 26, and then 2 years [...]

    Beautiful Bob

    Monday, October 3rd, 2005

    I had one of “those” conversations with Bob today, a talk I needed to have. Bob’s a family friend. Not an acquaintenance, but a bona fide friend; the kind you go through stuff with, good stuff and bad stuff. It seems recently that Bob’s gone through more bad than good. Lots of bad. Real bad. [...]

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