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    Black/Brown Racial Strife

    Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

    Rudy’s blogging about Black/Brown racial strife in Los Angeles, and exerpts a provocative article from the Los Angeles Times. Over the years, there’s also been a tendency on the part of observers to blame the conflict more on African Americans (who are often portrayed as the aggressors) than on Latinos. But although it’s certainly true [...]

    Race – Still Newsworthy

    Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

    Race, racism, and racists are making headline news again, as two unrelated stories gripped the New York public Thanksgiving weekend. First was the tragic police shooting of three men outside of a Queens strip club. Reportedly, “Although Bell and another of the wounded men, Trent Benefield, 23, were black, [Mayor Michael] Bloomberg said it doesn’t [...]

    There he goes again

    Tuesday, November 22nd, 2005

    Rudy’s back to stirring the waters, this time on “What’s Missing from Justice Ministry.” His basic points: not enough emphasis on investment and development for the poor, and an unhealthy overemphasis on protest and “speaking truth to power”; we do not expect enough of the poor, and instead we find ourselves practicing “the soft bigotry [...]

    She had a dream, and wasn’t afraid to take the bus to get there

    Tuesday, October 25th, 2005

    Rosa Parks, Civil rights pioneer and hero for all, passed away last night. Rest in peace. Read an account of Park’s history-making decision. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 10/25/2005 04:27:00 PM 0 comments

    Pentecostal Clergy on the Absence of Black Fathers

    Wednesday, July 27th, 2005

    Kudos to Rev. Eugene Rivers for making noise about a critical issue within low-income (not just black) neighborhoods. “Father absence is the bane of the black community, predisposing its children (boys especially, but increasingly girls as well) to school failure, criminal behavior and economic hardship — and to an intergenerational repetition of the grim cycle. [...]

    Red and yellow black and white

    Saturday, June 25th, 2005

    “Kevin Berwise bemoans the fact that 11 a.m. Sunday is usually the most segregated time of the week in America. But something very different from that dark underside of Americans at prayer is on view at the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, he said.” From New York Newsday (06/25/05).

    New York, a Billy Graham Experiment

    Thursday, June 16th, 2005

    “For better or worse, the church has typically followed the lead of secular society when it comes to our attitudes about race. Today racial reconciliation has become an evangelical buzzword. Organizations like Promise Keepers proclaim its importance. Christian books, magazines, and musical artists denounce racism and celebrate ethnic diversity in the church. When Billy approached [...]

    Justice delayed

    Tuesday, June 14th, 2005

    Kudos to prosecutors in Philadelphia, Mississippi, for finally bringing murder charges against white supremacist and long-suspected lynch mob killer Edgar Lee Killen. Jury selection began yesterday, even as a KKK Imperial Wizard welcomed Killen to the courthouse. Killen, a former KKK recruiter, is accused of organizing the kidnapping and murder of three civil rights workers [...]

    Aliens in the world

    Friday, June 10th, 2005

    Noel Castellanos has a great post about the church’s responsibilities in immigration reform. One would think that Christians, whom the Apostle Peter and the writer of Hebrews both refer to as “aliens in this world,” would be especially sensitive to the needs of immigrants in our country. Yet often the most strident “close-the-borders/send-them-home” activitists are [...]

    Congrats, Cortes!

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

    One of Generation Xcel’s primary funders the past two years has been the federal Compassion Capital Fund via Nueva Esperanza, a financial intermediary run by Rev. Luis Cortes of Philadelphia. Today’s New York Times profiles Esperanza in “Hispanic Group Thrives on Faith and Federal Aid”: “Although a national study of the compassion fund is still [...]

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