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  • question of the week

    Question of the Week

    Tuesday, November 15th, 2005

    “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” With that, I’m going to try a second Question of the Week while I’m away, even though the first one flopped as a conversation starter. How do people perceive you, and how do their perceptions differ from reality? posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 11/15/2005 [...]

    Freakonomics’ Answer to Question of the Week

    Saturday, November 12th, 2005

    Despite the lukewarm response to last week’s Question of the Week, for the three of you who cared, here’s Freakonomics take on it. Q: If drugs dealers make so much money, why do they live with their mothers? A: Except for the 2-5% of dealers at the top of the drug trade, drug dealers don’t [...]

    I guess I tried to be too cute

    Monday, November 7th, 2005

    … with last week’s “Question of the Week.” Either no one has an opinion, or the opinions are too flimsy to offer them publicly, or the question is too silly (or not silly enough) to provoke comments in cyberspace. Not sure why the lack of comments. Should I even post Freakonomics‘ theory, or just email [...]

    Question of the week

    Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005

    In lieu of regular postings from me while traveling the next few days, here’s a question for readers to comment on while I’m away (this means both occassional commentators and those who pop in and out and never stop to say hello). “If drug dealers make so much money, why do they live with their [...]