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    Blogging from the local public library

    Friday, September 22nd, 2006

    Free WiFi, which reminds me … When people gripe about stuff — failing education, no vacation money, digital divide issues, inaccessible internet access — it would behoove them to visit the local public library. I haven’t been to one since studying for the bar exam, and before that, uh, hardly ever since junior high. Yet [...]

    The Message on Justice

    Thursday, September 21st, 2006

    … People hate this kind of talk. Raw truth is never popular. But here it is, bluntly spoken: Because you run roughshod over the poor and take the bread right out of their mouths, You’re never going to move into the luxury homes you have built. You’re never going to drink wine from the expensive [...]

    Does God want you to be rich?

    Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

    A growing and influential cohort of preachers want people to think that. A convenient side benefit: the conditional blessings flow when they tithe more and make the preachers rich. Time magazine has a great cover story on the rise of the so-called “prosperity gospel” that should convict us all. Especially poignant was Rick Warren’s reflection: [...]

    Thoughts on Social Justice

    Wednesday, September 6th, 2006

    Dom Hélder Pessoa Câmara, Archbishop of Olinda and Recife (1909-1999): “When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist.” Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador (1917-1980; assassinated): “The word of God is like the light of the sun. It illuminates [...]

    Willowcreek, Part 3

    Friday, August 11th, 2006

    Session 3, Bono: Jubilee, AIDS and Poverty Jesus begins his ministry with Jubilee (Luke 4). An era of grace. Most satisfying experience of 2006: Not just writing music, which is his gift. The most satisfying was his SERVICE, through the One campaign. ONE aims to represent the poor and vulnerable with honor. They deserve the [...]

    Biblical Compassion: Suffering Together

    Friday, August 4th, 2006

    … if we open up those Bibles the meaning of “compassion” becomes clear; after all, Hebrew and Greek words commonly translated as “compassion” are used over eighty times in the Bible. Their most frequent use is not as an isolated noun but as the culmination of a process. Repeatedly, in Judges and other books, the [...]

    No mystery why Capitalism has failed there

    Tuesday, August 1st, 2006

    Guy Kawasaki links to a World Bank report called Doing Business in 2006: Creating Jobs, described as: … the third in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. New quantitative indicators on business regulations and their enforcement can be compared across 155 countries—from Afghanistan to [...]

    Fighting poverty in NYC

    Monday, July 31st, 2006

    The truth is, with all the gains we have made in recent years, one in five New Yorkers, or 1.7 million people, still lives in poverty. A closer look at the numbers reveals that poverty in New York disproportionately affects African-Americans and Latinos and is concentrated in several hard-pressed neighborhoods, primarily in The Bronx and [...]

    Can you afford the ghetto tax?

    Friday, July 28th, 2006

    From Barbara Ehrenreich’s response to the question, “Can you afford to be poor?” A new study from the Brookings Institute documents the “ghetto tax,” or higher cost of living in low-income urban neighborhoods. It comes at you from every direction, from food prices to auto insurance. A few examples from this study, by Matt Fellowes, [...]

    Kingdom economics?

    Thursday, July 20th, 2006

    “Show me the money,” and, “It’s all about the benjamins.” These are just two recent pop culture catchphrases that illustrate our universal relationship to money. But what are the economics of “the Kingdom of God” that Jesus proclaimed? Capitalist, mercantilist, imperial, tribal, communist, socialist, or none of the above? Do they subscribe to Smith or [...]

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