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    Send the One Campaign over the top

    Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

    * As of 5:45 this afternoon, the One campaign had achieved 94% of its goal of 40,000 signers to the following letter in support of the proposed Jubilee Act: As a constituent and a member of the ONE Campaign, I write to ask you to co-sponsor the Jubilee Act. Your support would greatly enhance our [...]

    NY Faith & Justice Stand Up Event

    Tuesday, October 16th, 2007

    NY Faith & Justice, in partnership with The UN Millennium Campaign, Invites you to… STAND UP AGAINST POVERTY … TOGETHER Tuesday, October 16, 7-8 pm sharp! St. Mary’s Episcopal Church @ 521 W. 126th Street (between Broadway and Amsterdam). map it Last year 23.5 million people around the world stood up against poverty and set [...]

    Blogging from CCDA

    Thursday, October 11th, 2007

    CCDA Economic Development Panel Jimmy Dorrel, Joe Holland, Amy Sherman; Moderator: Gordon Murphy AS: Theology of economic development. “Yikes, we’re talking about capitalism.” The Bible and free markets: “Be merciful and compassionate to one another.” (Ephesians 4) Revitalizing communities through business development. What are the underlying assumptions and conditions, and how do they relate to [...]

    Monday Miscellany

    Monday, October 1st, 2007

    + Bill Cosby was right. Insightful CT interview between Edward Gilbreath and Juan Williams, of NPR and Fox News. As an observer of politics, I’ve seen the way issues of poverty are dealt with today—everything from Reagan welfare reform of the ’80s, to Clinton welfare reform of the ’90s, and then coming forward to the [...]

    Wednesday Weekly Webcast

    Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

    Help Us Have Mercy Music by Charlie Hall

    Speaking of stories, this one will change your life

    Wednesday, August 1st, 2007

    Three white kids from San Diego — college students and aspiring film makers — travel to Africa in search of a story. What they find changes them forever, and the story they tell becomes a movement that inspires young people nationwide to love mercy and do justice. I’ve mentioned Invisible Children before, and even embraced [...]

    Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

    (Your) Two Cents Many times, it’s hard to see past our own lives. As westerners we have a great deal of wealth, but what do we choose to do with it? If we really believe that everything belongs to God, does that include our wallets as well? Available at FaithVisuals.com. Produced by 2100 Productions loans [...]

    Wednesday’s Weekly Webcast

    Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

    Micro-Enterprise Members of the church are developing creative new ways to care for the economic, social, and spiritual needs of people. Available at FaithVisuals.com. Produced by 2100 Productions

    Monday Morning MP3

    Monday, June 11th, 2007

    Gentrification with Justice Artist: Dr. Bob LuptonTitle: Gentrification with JusticeAlbum: CCDA 2006Genre: CCDAYear: 2006Length: 74:09 minutes (50.92 MB)Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 96Kbps (CBR) Dr. Bob Lupton discusses gentrification in the US as well as the developing world and how it brings up issues of justice at this CCDA 2006 workshop. movies analsapphic erotica moviesfree adult [...]

    Friday’s Foto Finish

    Friday, May 25th, 2007

    This Memorial Day Weekend, when we remember the bravery of America’s military, let’s not forget veterans who experience the “liberty” they defended overseas by living homeless on the streets here at home. More Homeless in New York pics here.

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