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    Love them enough to pay the bill

    Sunday, September 25th, 2005

    “Then he added, as he seemed at times to look straight at Mr. Bush: ‘It is not so important what we say, it is important what we do. Defining moments of history cannot be defined by rhetoric and words or anger, or soliciting people to respond in a tempestuous way. But real leadership is defined [...]

    New York tabloids find religion (twice in one week)

    Sunday, September 25th, 2005

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    Gulf Coast Relief

    Saturday, September 24th, 2005

    “Over that past 3 weeks Somebody Cares America has served over 20,000 people and 200 ministries by distributing over $1.5 million in resources. We are being empowered to do what needs to get done.” For the latest on CSI’s partnership with Somebody Cares, go here.

    As if his credibility wasn’t already shot

    Friday, September 23rd, 2005

    Rafael Palmiero tried to pass the buck for his positive steroid test by blaming a teammate, whose only offense was giving him a vitamin B-12 pill. Enough with the fingerpointing. Update: Orioles tell Palmiero his season’s done.

    Al Gore’s campaign manager supports President Bush?

    Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

    Apparently she does. Democratic party power player Donna Brazile (campaign manager for Al Gore’s 2000 presidential candidacy), a New Orleans native whose family was devastated by Katrina, broke party lines in supporting the President’s Katrina relief efforts. Yesterday she told syndicated columnist Cindy Adams: “Right now we need a president who will help. He’s helping. [...]

    The 10 Secrets of a Master Networker (not named Rudy)

    Wednesday, September 21st, 2005

    “‘I got one of the best educations America has to offer,’ Ferrazzi says today. ‘Starting with elementary school, prep school, on to Yale and Harvard — it would never have happened if my father hadn’t believed that it never hurts to ask. The worst anyone can say is no. Not many people believe that. Embarrassment [...]

    Waiting for the Americans

    Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

    Bush continues to get blasted by the Left for the federal response to Katrina, and — to the extent the buck stops with him for ousted FEMA boss Michael Brown’s inneptitude — deservedly so. But David Warren of The Ottawa Citizen believes Bush is getting a bad rap: “If something happened up here [Canada], on [...]

    More bafoonery

    Monday, September 19th, 2005

    By Nawlans politicos: “Nagin’s decision was an about-face from earlier in the day, when he’d begun to allow people back into the region, and was made under increasing pressure from the federal government to scale back his plan to re-open parts of the city this week and beyond.” Link.

    Things he now talks about

    Sunday, September 18th, 2005

    “The Pro Bowl wide receiver thought he was alone in his inner struggles, and too proud to let any outsiders into his personal prison. But Coles recently decided to free himself of his secret: He was sexually abused as a young boy by his stepfather.” Link.Thank God he’s talking about it.

    Determination Education

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    “The 85-year-old Kimani, perhaps the world’s oldest elementary-school pupil, toured New York Tuesday to promote a global campaign urging assistance for an estimated 100 million children denied an education because of poverty.” Link.

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