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    Random Thursday

    Thursday, December 21st, 2006

    You are Time magazine’s Person of the Year. But look at 2006 through a different lens and you’ll see another story, one that isn’t about conflict or great men. It’s a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It’s about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people’s network [...]

    Tuesday’s tidbits

    Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

    + Malcolm Gladwell on defining a racist. HT: Jordon. + Facebook is more popular among young people 17-25 than Google and Myspace. + Myspace is getting the message, although I’m skeptical how their developing technology will keep out convicted sex offenders who simply choose not to use their real identity. + Overdue props to UCLA [...]

    Race – Still Newsworthy

    Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

    Race, racism, and racists are making headline news again, as two unrelated stories gripped the New York public Thanksgiving weekend. First was the tragic police shooting of three men outside of a Queens strip club. Reportedly, “Although Bell and another of the wounded men, Trent Benefield, 23, were black, [Mayor Michael] Bloomberg said it doesn’t [...]

    Sadistic celebs gone wild

    Tuesday, November 21st, 2006

    + Kramer from Seinfeld: “You see, there’s still those words, those words, those words.” Unbelievable that any 21st century American, especially one formerly loved as one of the great sit-com characters of all-time, could erupt in such a vile display of hatred and utter stupidity. He joins a long list of celebs who’ve crossed racist [...]

    Pee Wee parents

    Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

    This is why so many kids misbehave: Parents who won’t control themselves produce kids who can’t control themselves. (Video of parents fighting refs at a pee wee football game.)

    “If” OJ killed his wife

    Wednesday, November 15th, 2006

    He’s saying how he would have done it. The last time I heard an OJ “if” ring so hollow, his lawyer was chanting something about a glove not fitting and a jury aquitting.

    There are 100 million

    Wednesday, November 1st, 2006

    … Websites — a milestone reached in October — compared to just 18,000 in August 1995. Only 4.2 million are p*rnsites.

    Random Thursday

    Thursday, October 26th, 2006

    + This is why Cheney doesn’t pass the smell test. (Cynic advisory alert!) He began his first term as vice president with a closed door “energy reform” effort spearheaded by disgraced white collar thief Ken Lay and other big oil execs. They witheld from the public any of their findings or reforms. Within a year [...]

    Right v. Right

    Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

    It’s been an especially lousy week for the evangelical wing of the Republican party. Among the blows: In his new book Tempting Faith, former #2 man at President Bush’s Office of Faith-Based Initiatives David Kuo claims (among other things): After two years in the White House, I had come to realize that regardless of where [...]

    Pray for Joey and Dario

    Tuesday, October 17th, 2006

    Dario Lariosa is a good friend and youth ministry colleague from New Life of New York City and the Coalition of Urban Youth Workers. On Saturday night, one of the teen youth leaders he’s raised up for years was stabbed outside a Queens pool hall. He’s currently clinging to life in a coma. Please pray [...]

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