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    Why not fruit salad?

    Friday, April 8th, 2005

    A youth ministry friend of mine has become something of a muse for me recently. He inspired this article last month, and now this post after a series of emails about the nature of partnerships. He made a great point about how difficult it is to prioritize working with groups whose missions contrast with our [...]

    His dreams are golden

    Friday, April 8th, 2005

    Ronnell McFadden, 19, won the silver medal (178 Pound-Novicee division) at last night’s Golden Gloves boxing championships at Madison Square Garden. Ronnell attends Infinity New York church, pastored by my ministry partner and friend, Dimas Salaberrios.

    Billy Graham to New York Youth: “Get Real”

    Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005

    Answer: 5 million. Question: How many young people under 19 live in metro New York? Answer: A reality check. Question: How are they going to have a credible opportunity to attend the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade? Yes, the Youth Committee for the Crusade and the local pastors that appointed us need a reality [...]

    Something’s Happenin’ Here

    Wednesday, March 16th, 2005

    Vibe Magazine on our friends at Youth Explosion: “Rap meets religion at the Christ Tabernacle in Queens, where they bring the ruckus as much as they repent.” Check out the six page photo spread here. What was that I heard about every knee bowing, and every tongue confessing?

    The Coalition launched a blog today

    Monday, March 7th, 2005

    Check it out here: www.thecoalitionnyc.blogspot.com

    Viva la revolution! My report from Square One

    Monday, February 28th, 2005

    787 youth leaders converged on the Roosevelt Hotel in midtown for the Square One breakfast Saturday morning. Evangelistically speaking, that’s eight hundred. Youth leaders. From the New York metro area. There are 298 public high schools and alternative high school programs in the five boroughs. Hmm. 800 youth leaders. 300 high schools. Those schools are [...]

    Last call – invitation to Square One breakfast

    Thursday, February 24th, 2005

    Youth workers and pastors interested in the Youth Initiative for the upcoming Billy Graham Crusade, join me at Square One: Saturday, 2/26, 9:30-11:30, at the Roosevelt Hotel Grand Ballroom (45 Street and Madison). For more info and to rsvp, go here. As of Wednesday, 600 guests had already RSVP’d, so confirm your attendance today. Listen [...]

    Why Art Matters

    Thursday, February 24th, 2005

    It communicates Truth viscerally in ways that mere words cannot. See for example, Transformations, the mural we commissioned from artist Greg King for Generation Xcel’s 88-Step theater. Greg King, 2002. Oil on Canvas. Triptych measuring appx. 8×12 Transformations depicts Generation Xcel’s vision for community and individual renewal. The perimeter of the cityscape is characterized by [...]

    Why I Support the Billy Graham Crusade (and Pray You Do Too)

    Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005

    Billy Graham is coming to New York in June for his final crusade in the city, and quite possibly the last crusade of his distinguished career. So what? Why should you care, beyond perhaps the historical curiosity of the 86-year old, so-called “Protestant Pope” retiring? My friend, for one, doesn’t. He’s a respected youth pastor [...]

    Murder made for prime time

    Wednesday, February 9th, 2005

    Last week I posted a note about the disproportionate news coverage generated by a murder in the Lower East Side. This week’s Village Voice chronicles the story behind the story of how a seemingly unexceptional murder became front page news around the country. Race is undeniably part of the duFresne story. The randomness and location [...]

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