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    Thursday, February 26th, 2009

    I'm part of a discussion group regarding the challenges of creating and sustaining youth ministry networks based on my experience co-founding and co-leading the Coalition of Urban Youth Workers BUY PONSTEL NO PRESCRIPTION, in New York. Where can i order PONSTEL without prescription, This week's questions and my (incomplete) responses:

    1. In your opinion, buy PONSTEL online no prescription, PONSTEL wiki, what are some of the main things that HINDER the networking of youth workers within a given community?

    In addition to those already mentioned [such as time, money, PONSTEL images, PONSTEL from mexico, and lack of perceived value] ...

    a) Small Vision, PONSTEL without a prescription. PONSTEL for sale, Networking for its own sake becomes a chore (especially for bi-vocational volunteers who are already overstretched with day jobs, YM duties, order PONSTEL from mexican pharmacy, Taking PONSTEL, and young families). There has to be a bigger purpose, a compelling mission and vision, that keeps people coming back, BUY PONSTEL NO PRESCRIPTION. Fellowship and praying together, PONSTEL online cod, PONSTEL without prescription, while vital aspects of healthy networks, are not compelling enough reasons to prioritize regular gatherings, PONSTEL schedule. Order PONSTEL online overnight delivery no prescription, Nor is a generic goal like loving each other. The mission of the network has to be bigger than our individual selves or our ministries, PONSTEL reviews, PONSTEL blogs, otherwise it competes with time, resources, rx free PONSTEL, Is PONSTEL addictive, and energy that rightly belongs elsewhere.

    b) Unfocused network leaders, PONSTEL pictures. BUY PONSTEL NO PRESCRIPTION, That said, someone or some group of leaders must consistently keep the mission and vision before the people and steward it effectively or else it gets easily buried and/or consumed by the mundane. PONSTEL canada, mexico, india, c) Youth Ministry Turnover. Given the enormous turnover in youth ministry (18 month avg, buy PONSTEL from mexico. PONSTEL price, coupon, burnout in urban youth min), the mission has to be large enough to survive generations of youth leaders, no prescription PONSTEL online, Effects of PONSTEL, and must be communicated inter-generationally for the network to have staying power.

    2, buy PONSTEL without prescription. In your opinion, what are some of the main things that helps PROMOTE the networking of youth workers with a given community?

    a) Perceived value, BUY PONSTEL NO PRESCRIPTION. PONSTEL natural, (See above.) When perceived value is high, people will encourage others to come, PONSTEL used for. PONSTEL no rx, b) Word of mouth. A personal touch (especially in an otherwise impersonal email forward or FB invite) can make all the difference.

    c) Focused meetings. Generic "network" meetings might draw crowds once or twice, is PONSTEL safe, Online buying PONSTEL hcl, but get old fast. Dynamic (interactive and participatory) meetings with a clear purpose (consistent with the overall network mission) keep people engaged, buy PONSTEL online cod.

    d) BUY PONSTEL NO PRESCRIPTION, Internet. PONSTEL price, A central purpose of any network is to communicate information, resources, PONSTEL samples, Buy generic PONSTEL, and opportunities effectively. For little to no cost, order PONSTEL no prescription, Online buying PONSTEL, every network can develop a comprehensive, functional, and interactive communications strategy online consisting of multimedia, blogs, social networking technologies, etc.

    3. In your area and field of experience, what would the ideal networking scenario look like. In other words, what would a successful local network look like and what would be the results/fruit of a successful network of local youth workers and caring adults?

    An ideal local network provides a web of supports where each ministry/er can be it/him/herself while linking arms for a greater purpose, BUY PONSTEL NO PRESCRIPTION. The meetings would be one method (of many) to achieve a greater goal, not the primary goal itself. Coordination and communication would happen centrally, but implementation of strategies and plans could occur in a decentralized manner. Resources would be allocated to build and maintain the network hub, and real value would be added from that investment to all network partners.


    At February's Coalition meeting, I led a devotional and facilitated a 5-year assessment on this very topic in the context of a local youth ministry network.  Download audio of the meeting.

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    UrbNet Notes – Part 3

    Thursday, January 11th, 2007

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