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    Live blogging from UYWI

    Saturday, May 20th, 2006

    “Have You Seen Your Kids’ MySpace?” DESCRIPTION: Radioactive B!+@H, Suckanut Slut, Boyish Sex Machine, NaughtyXXXAsh – porn stars or teens on MySpace? “Why should I care so much for everyone else when no one gives a s!*# about me?” “y do guys … say that they like u but make u feel like s!*#?” “I [...]

    More on the Myspace Generation

    Friday, December 30th, 2005

    Check out Andrew Jones’ article, “Linking to Cyberchurch” at Relevant Magazine: “If you have engaged in the Internet through the reading of religious blogs, downloading church podcasts, watching videos or chatting online with Christian friends—chances are, you’ve participated in cyberchurch. Cyberchurch is one of the fastest growing macro-models of church today. So says George Barna [...]

    Behind the curve, again

    Wednesday, December 28th, 2005

    Five years ago, a global evangelical ministry asked a group of youth workers how to become relevant to young people. We suggested leveraging the power of the internet to create a “virtual youth center” where kids could share interests and ideas, find their voice, and connect. Several months later they hired me to write a [...]

    Generation Xcel – Unconventional Christmas Appeal

    Thursday, December 15th, 2005

    Dearest Friends: In between bronchitis and deadlines I’ve been agonizing about crafting the perfect Christmas greeting. Then I realized the labor and hassel were another exercise in missing the point. Christmas is not about dressing up ever so neatly and presenting ourselves in a glowing light. As I wrote in a recent article: The Christmas [...]

    In their own words

    Thursday, December 15th, 2005

    “Why should I care so much for everyone else when no one gives a s!*# about me?” “y do guys have to say the wrong things, @ the wrong time, @ the wrong places…just to say that they like u but make u feel like s!*#?” “When you are sad, ….I will get you drunk [...]

    Virtual Xcel

    Friday, October 21st, 2005

    Back in 1999, we at Generation Xcel had a brainstorm that I believed would revolutionize youth outreach and cultural engagement. What if we took “By Youth For Youth” online? Could we translate the Xcel model for cyberspace and create a virtual community that would empower kids to be who they are and find their voice [...]

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