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    “The Race to the Bottom”

    Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

    Has the New York Times become prophetic in its treatment of youth issues? Beside’s the library article, the Times also exposes the lure of “web sites without rules” to young people in today’s issue. Popular Web sites like YouTube and MySpace have hired the equivalent of school hallway monitors to police what visitors to their [...]

    72 hours a week

    Sunday, December 10th, 2006

    A grueling, if lucrative, work week? Or the amount of time average Americans ages 13-18 spend consuming electronic media? “Teen life has become a theatrical, self-directed media production.” Additional findings: + 1/3 of teens own iPods, up from 1 percent in 2003 + More than half own Sony’s PlayStation 2 + 1/3 own an original [...]

    Tuesday’s tidbits

    Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

    + Malcolm Gladwell on defining a racist. HT: Jordon. + Facebook is more popular among young people 17-25 than Google and Myspace. + Myspace is getting the message, although I’m skeptical how their developing technology will keep out convicted sex offenders who simply choose not to use their real identity. + Overdue props to UCLA [...]

    In Teens

    Thursday, November 2nd, 2006

    From the Washington Post. The high school English class cites several reasons for backing off of MySpace: Creepy people proposition them. Teachers and parents monitor them. New, more alluring free services comes along, so they collectively jump ship…. To a youth market composed of teens like Kim and Birnbaum, MySpace is just the latest online [...]

    Myspace predators

    Thursday, October 26th, 2006

    Wired editor and former hacker Kevin Paulson did what Myspace testified to Congress couldn’t be done. He wrote code that compared Myspace users with registered sex offenders and found 700 registered predators lurking on the site. HT: Bob.

    More MySpace horrors

    Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

    I just received an unsolicited email from “Craig” at Myspace. Craig’s profile describes him this way: About me: GREG AND I ( CRAIG ) HAVE BEEN LOVERS FOR YEARS . BUT WE LIKE TO HAVE A LITTLE SPICE IN OUR LIFES… AND A YOUNG BOTTOM BOY WOULD FIT THE NEED FOR US … Who I’d [...]

    The Christian Post cares

    Friday, July 28th, 2006

    Do you?

    Leno on MySpace

    Thursday, July 27th, 2006

    “The demand for A/C caused a power outage in Santa Monica that crashed MySpace for 18 hours. Law enforcement officials said it was the safest teenage girls have been in 20 years.” — Jay Leno More on MySpace.

    Why should I care so much … and other Christ-like Musings on MySpace

    Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

    Ed. note: Jeremy’s latest article, published in Tri-State Voice (Aug. 2006) “Are you listening to me? Really listening?” – Jesus (Matt. 11:15, The Message) Radioactive B! @H, Suckan*t Sl*t, Boyish Sex Machine, NaughtyXXXAsh – porn stars or teens on MySpace? “Why should I care so much for everyone else when no one gives a s!*# [...]

    So the Mideast is erupting

    Monday, July 24th, 2006

    … and nearly two weeks later I still haven’t commented. Oy Vey. Someone’s slacking in his blogging. Elsewhere in the news: + Time explores the safety of MySpace. + Newsweek calls Rick Warren one of 15 people who make America great. + Tiger won his 11th Major. + A-Rod is getting shafted by Yankee fans. [...]

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