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    The Gospel according to Neo

    Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

    Church planter Matt Kruse started a blog last month. Yesterday’s post was so “postmodern”: “We preached Jesus from a movie with guns and helicopters smashing into buildings, but everyone trusted me enough and is thinking missionally enough to go with it.” His church, Edgeworth, is also launching an innovative, web-based outreach this weekend at a [...]


    Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

    The Chronicles of Narnia, coming December 9th to a theater near you. Along with Pilgrim’s Progress and the Danny Orlis adventure series, the C.S. Lewis Narnia classics were favorites that I read over and over again as a boy, and I would arrange my GI Joe action figures to recreate battle scenes from the books. [...]

    Motorcycle Diaries

    Sunday, April 24th, 2005

    I finally got around to watching Motorcyle Diaries this weekend, after anticipating it since last summer. On the whole, I was disappointed with the movie, as a movie, because of a pace that d-r-a-g-g-e-d at parts, and the inclusion of too many “roadtrip” cliches. But the point of the film I loved, even though Ernesto [...]

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