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    YouTube technology improves NYC law enforcement

    Thursday, January 18th, 2007

    And you thought it was a passing fad. “Think about Google. Think about eBay. Think about photos people take on their cellphones when they’re on vacation. It’s time to bring law enforcement into cyberspace,” declared Feinblatt [Mayor Bloomber's criminal-justice coordinator]. “In the end, it’s going to help us solve crimes faster.” From “‘YouTube’ Due for [...]

    Another Reason to see Rocky Balboa

    Sunday, December 31st, 2006

    Besides the fact that it’s a great movie: Because when you write from the heart, out comes the spiritual message. You just know that you’re dealing with the human condition and quite often, even though you may not say the word Jesus in every line, you can feel it working through the characters, you can [...]

    Still the Champ

    Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

    “He pulled it off.” The man behind me exiting the theater said it best. Despite the good reviews and my own desire as a fan to see one LAST great Rocky movie, I was skeptical that a 60-yr-old fighter coming off Rocky 5 had a prayer. But he did. Sylvester Stallone pulled it off one [...]

    Will Smith’s Pursuit of Happyness

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    The #1 movie last weekend is more than a movie to star Will Smith. “I was struck by the commitment that (Gardner) had to this idea of who he was, and what he wanted his life to be. … He gambled everything. He put his trust in God, and in the face of homelessness and [...]

    Tuesday’s tidbits

    Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

    + Malcolm Gladwell on defining a racist. HT: Jordon. + Facebook is more popular among young people 17-25 than Google and Myspace. + Myspace is getting the message, although I’m skeptical how their developing technology will keep out convicted sex offenders who simply choose not to use their real identity. + Overdue props to UCLA [...]

    Nothing redemptive

    Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

    In The Departed. Great performances. (Jack Nicholson — not the character he plays but the actor himself — eerily reminds me of Uncle Ken.) Great story. But why do all mobster flicks have to be so stark and despairing? I guess that’s the point.

    Must See: Akeelah and the Bee

    Tuesday, September 19th, 2006

    Buy this movie and show it to every young person, urban or otherwise, and every hard-hearted adult who needs some inspiration to care about kids.

    I’m shaken

    Thursday, August 17th, 2006

    I’ll be posting more of my pictures from Ground Zero to this photo set in the upcoming weeks. Just got home from watching Oliver Stone’s masterfully horrible and heroic World Trade Center. I’m wrecked. I’ll reflect more on 9/11 in the upcoming weeks, but for now, allow me to urge you to GO SEE THIS [...]


    Saturday, July 1st, 2006

    Man. I took Judah today after someone read the Plugged-in review to me over the phone. Somehow we missed the fact that it has a PG-13 rating until after I bought the tickets. Thought twice about going in, but warned Judah that there might be some scenes where I’d cover his eyes, and told him [...]


    Monday, June 19th, 2006

    Great movie. Judah loved it. So did his dad, especially the ending: classy, courageous, character. Not gonna give away the details, but will encourage ya’ll to peep that ride.

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