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    25 Years Rebuilding Ruins

    Wednesday, December 12th, 2007

    This weekend my parents’ ministry Abounding Grace celebrates its 25th anniversary as a holistic New York City outreach and 15 years as a church. For me, the most surreal thing about those numbers is that I was there when AGM started as a integral — if very inexperienced — member of the team. At 33, [...]

    Pastors talk about S-E-X

    Friday, November 17th, 2006

    Mark Driscoll is a young (mid 30s) pastor of America’s “fastest growing” megachurch and founder of the Acts 29 church planting network. He writes extensively and is recognized as an influential young evangelical leader. I know him only through his blog, but we have several mutual friends and acquaintenances. His blog has alternately challenged, surprised, [...]

    Prayer Alert – Major Ministry Updates – 5/3/06

    Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

    [Note: This prayer alert is longer than most, as it contains major ministry updates. Next month, I’ll return to our usual format. Thank you.] May 3, 2006 Friends and Intercessors: When God told Abraham to uproot his family and go where He would lead, He conveniently neglected to provide a roadmap. Instead He pointed in [...]

    Meeting Billy Graham

    Tuesday, December 20th, 2005

    Back in June, I wrote about praying with Dr. Billy Graham 25 minutes before he preached his last Crusade sermon. I received the pictures today, just in time for Christmas! Being introduced by Dr. A. R. Bernard My youth committee co-chair Dimas Saleberrios Holding Dr. Graham’s hand during prayer With Dimas, my father, Rev. Robert [...]

    What would you do?

    Sunday, September 18th, 2005

    I just found out that a minister who fled New York in disgrace four years ago due to a sordid sex scandal is now the president of a prominent ministry leadership network, on the speaking circuit again, and on the boards of several global ministries, including one devoted to marriage integrity. The scandal rocked his [...]