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Monday, June 27th, 2005This afternoon at Flushing Meadows Corona Park, 100,000 gathered for what might be the final chapter in Billy Graham’s storied career as a Crusade evangelist. And there we were, 25 minutes before he preached what is quite possibly his final sermon, kneeling in his private compound to pray with and for him: my father Pastor [...]
How evangelistic are we, really?
Sunday, June 26th, 2005Overwhelmingly, the media coverage of the crusade has been positive. But an op-ed from Sunday’s NY Times, although similarly respectful, raised some hard issues. “Indeed, most of those who come to hear Mr. Graham preach are already born-again Christians. Some may be ‘backslid’ in their faith or fighting drugs, but it is seldom the hardened [...]
My dad on CNN
Sunday, June 26th, 2005He’s in the background walking behind Heber Revilla, along with my brother Jamie, sister-in-law Taina and nephew Seth.
Never Say Never
Sunday, June 26th, 2005“We hope to come back again someday,” he said. “I was asked in an interview if this was our last crusade. I said, ‘It probably is – in New York.’ But I also said, ‘I never say never.’From “Graham Ends Crusade in City Urging Repentance and Hope,” NY Times (06/27/05)
More BG media
Saturday, June 25th, 2005Frank Franklin Ii / AP From CBS News: Graham’s “Last Crusade” Billy Graham’s News For New York Billy Graham, Through The Years From the Today show: Interview with Katie Couric From NBC Nightly News: Thousands see Rev. Graham in N.Y. My voice is in the background in the opening segment. At 86, Graham still fiery [...]
Billy Graham on Hannity and Colmes
Saturday, June 25th, 2005Here.
Red and yellow black and white
Saturday, June 25th, 2005“Kevin Berwise bemoans the fact that 11 a.m. Sunday is usually the most segregated time of the week in America. But something very different from that dark underside of Americans at prayer is on view at the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, he said.” From New York Newsday (06/25/05).
This is funny
Friday, June 24th, 2005From New York Newsday (o6/25/05): As Jeremy Del Rio tries to fire up kids to come Saturday night to a special “Youth Night” for the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, he’s accustomed to blank stares. “For most of the kids I serve, Billy Graham is ‘Superstar Billy Graham,’ the wrestling icon,” said the East [...]
The family business
Friday, June 24th, 2005As Billy Graham steps down, will his kids shape the future of American evangelicalism?From “All in the Family,” U.S. News (12/23/02)
How people observe us
Friday, June 24th, 2005Andy Newman’s been all over the Billy Graham Crusade. He’s a reporter with the New York Times and I’ve met him half a dozen times. We first met one day several weeks ago when he grilled me for five minutes trying to get a reaction to the 10-story high billboard of an underwear model that [...]
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