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    The Spirit of Hip Hop

    Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

    What do CNN and MTV have in common (other than revolutionary cable pedigrees)? Both have reported on the “Spirit of Hip Hop,” a syndicated Gospel Hip Hop radio show based in Atlanta. + Finding My Religion: Hip Hop Gets the Spirit (MTV) “It’s a good thing that we’re trying to find morals and boundaries,” veteran [...]

    One Punk under God, Week 2

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    If you missed last week’s premiere of Jay Bakker’s Sundance special, catch week 2 tonight. The first episode of One Punk Under God depicted a broken life in the process of restoration. The trailer for tonight promises more of the same. Related + Jay Bakker’s CNN Commentary: What the hell happened to Christianity? + Jay’s [...]

    What to make of this?

    Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

    Jeff asks a great question about the New York Times’ 6-part series on the seperation of church and state (by Diana Henriques). I haven’t read every article yet, but my initial skeptism wonders whether the Times isn’t doing a disservice to the larger debate by framing every issue as an accusation that faith groups are [...]

    A New Faith-Based Agenda

    Thursday, November 9th, 2006

    Of Newsweek’s five articles on the evangelical political identity-crisis, my favorite is Michael Gerson’s “A New Social Gospel.” A former speechwriter for President Bush, Gerson understands intimately both the dynamics of right-wing evangelicalism and the shortcomings of the current faith based initiative. Plus he offers a proactive, positive agenda (what we might be for) as [...]

    Taking over MSM

    Thursday, November 9th, 2006

    Though it doesn’t happen often, I’ve posted IM transcripts here and I’ve seen them posted from time to time throughout the blogosphere. But now mainstream media stallwart Sports Illustrated has jumped into the fray with a new interview style column by Mike Silver called “Rollin’ With.” His debut this week features an IM exchange with [...]

    A Neuroscientific Look at Speaking in Tongues

    Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

    Maybe Judah should start reading the New York Times, which reports this about speaking in tongues: Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania took brain images of five women while they spoke in tongues …. “The amazing thing was how the images supported people’s interpretation of what was happening,” said Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, leader of [...]

    Jesus Politics: Sex or Social Justice?

    Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

    After the GOP debacle in yesterday’s elections, the evangelical wing of the Republican party has some serious soul-searching to do. Fittingly, Newsweek devotes its cover story and four related articles in this week’s issue to an evangelical political identity crisis. But now, more than three decades after Roe v. Wade propelled religious conservatives fully into [...]

    Innocent until proven guilty

    Friday, November 3rd, 2006

    Lost amidst the sordid allegations against evangelical mega-Pastor Ted Haggard this morning is the fact that rumors, lies, and wrongful accusations are a dime a dozen. Anyone can say anything against anybody. If the target happens to be high profile and influential they’re especially easy prey. That’s why our legal system, if not the media, [...]

    Rock of Faith: Christian Bands Now a Crossover Miracle

    Monday, September 18th, 2006

    Interesting article in Sunday’s NY Post: “Not long ago, a rock star acknowledging his Christianity was akin to a saint bathing in meat tenderizer before being tossed to the lions. … “Or, as pop-culture blog The Talent Show puts it: ‘Christian rock is stereotypically the kind of crap that offends music fans as well as [...]

    NYC Spiritual Update

    Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

    From Christian World News (CBN) (9/11/06) “And the people that live in our neighborhoods will taste and see that the Lord is God,” Del Rio said. “But the tasting begins when the chefs are providing some food worth tasting. And that’s happening.”

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