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Friday, June 16th, 2006Last December, the NFL family was rocked with the news that the Colts’ classy head coach Tony Dungy’s son James had committed suicide. (I blogged about it here and here.) In the months since then, Coach Dungy has coped with the tragedy with his usual grace and dignity. ESPN chronicles his story in a moving [...]
Would you listen to these men?
Wednesday, June 14th, 2006I’ve been accused by my Charismatic brethren of being too cerebral when it comes to “receiving” from the Holy Spirit. I counter that God says to love him with all your heart, soul, and MIND. Still, at times I wonder if in my quest to “come now and reason together” I don’t at times overcompensate. [...]
El Patriarca: Una Celebracion de Vida
Monday, June 12th, 2006How I spent last week: when not at the hospital, I was hunched over a brand new Macbook (that Uncle Dave and I went on a 4+ hour mission to purchase on Tuesday morning) learning iMovie to create a multimedia tribute for Abuelo. I had it 80% done when the brain scan results came in [...]
Beyond Passion: Living a Crucified Life 2.0
Friday, April 14th, 2006- Ed. Note: Reflecting on Good Friday, I recently reprised an article originally written in anticipation of Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. Two years ago, the evangelical world eagerly awaited the release of what was being lauded as “the greatest evangelistic tool of our time.” The anticipation built as a brilliant marketing campaign invited [...]
Chronicles of Narnia -
Tuesday, December 20th, 2005Diana and I went to see Narnia last night. Fun movie, fitting for the season of life in which we find our ministry. Aslan’s on the move, and the ice is beginning to thaw! One question I’ve always wondered about the book, and now the movie: Why a wardrobe? The lion, the witch, the sacrifice [...]
Someone call the exterminator
Thursday, December 15th, 2005Could this be legit? I was given a business card from a reputable organization with the name “Attracta Roche” on it. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 12/15/2005 11:47:00 AM
“Traveling Light into the New Year”
Thursday, December 8th, 2005My friend Sonya embarked into the deep, deep blogosphere the week, and posted her “Traveling Light into the New Year” article here. “[Jesus] carries the weight of our weaknesses while teaching us His gentle ways and allowing us to help carry His burdens – not our Purposes but His burdens.” Welcome! posted by Jeremy Del [...]
Thank God for dad’s collar
Sunday, September 11th, 2005Chris Monroe (a/k/a Paradoxology or Desert Pastor) has an interesting post about clerical collars that reminded me of my father. In the summer of 2000, a pastor friend suggested that dad buy a clerical collar for emergencies. This might not seem noteworthy, except that my father is an inner city pastor that one national magazine [...]
Sunday, September 11th, 2005Frankly, I’m confused. Four years ago, September 11th changed my life. I never made it to work that day and officially resigned my career as an attorney one week later. I never expected that September 10th would be my last day practicing law, nor could I have possibly imagined what the next fifteen months of [...]
Caleb Stevens sparked a Chain Reaction
Saturday, August 27th, 2005From the Marion Star newspaper (Ohio), 8/26/05: “Caleb of the Bible gave his life entirely and completely to God. … It wasn’t until he was 85 years old that he finally received his inheritance of land and was rewarded for remaining true to God’s command and promise. Caleb Stevens received his inheritance in heaven in [...]
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