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    2004′s Xcel Top Ten

    Monday, January 3rd, 2005

    [Sorry, these are not funny. Nor are they listed in any particular order. For more on Generation Xcel, visit here.] 1. Replicating “by youth for youth” as ten teens co-founded Xpress, our second after school program in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. 2. Graduating the inaugural class of 18 XL Service Corps members from Boot Camp, [...]

    Even the NY Times Gets It

    Monday, January 3rd, 2005

    Some of evangelical Christianity’s most respected leaders still don’t believe Hip Hop can be a viable expression of worship or a legitimate means of outreach. They are not paying attention. The effectiveness of anointed Hip Hop to change lives has been duly noted by, among others, the New York Times (yes, that Times), which visited [...]

    A Hero in Thailand: The YW8? (Why Wait?) Generation

    Monday, January 3rd, 2005

    Saturday’s New York Post published an inspiring article about a 10 year old vacationer-turned-hero during the tsunami in Phuket, Thailand. January 1, 2005 — PHUKET, Thailand – Quick-thinking 10-year-old Tilly Smith is being hailed as a hero after saving her parents and dozens of fellow vacationers from the deadly tsunami – thanks to a school [...]

    Please Join Judah in Praying for Sam

    Monday, January 3rd, 2005

    My son Judah has been praying for four year old Samuel Carrasco since he was diagnosed with leukemia this summer. Sam will begin his third round of aggressive chemotherapy later this week. Please join Judah in praying for him and the family. More on Sam here.

    New Year’s Resolution

    Sunday, January 2nd, 2005

    Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved. (Matthew 9:17) This year I resolve to find friends and allies in unexpected places. This is [...]

    Have I mentioned yet how much I love my son?

    Friday, December 31st, 2004

    Judah turns four in two days! It was exactly four years ago tonight that he began his journey beyond the womb in one of the most memorable and exhilarating two days of my life. Diana’s due date was January 8 (or 10? I don’t remember exactly), but I wanted a New Year’s Baby. Not because [...]

    Into Your Hands We Commend His Spirit

    Thursday, December 30th, 2004

    It’s nearly midnight, 12/30, and I’ve just returned home from the funeral for 27-day-old Adam Jeremiah Jaruczyk (12/2/2004 – 12/29/2004). He died last night at 9:02 pm, after a valiant fight against a terminal disease. Most children with his condition don’t survive their first days, never mind a first Christmas. His parents Richard and Jessica [...]

    Global Disaster … Global Compassion

    Wednesday, December 29th, 2004

    9/11/01 was a defining moment for our world in part for igniting the Global War on Terror. So too 12/26/04, or more specifically the world’s collective response to it, can redefine Global Compassion. The scope of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami has claimed at least 135,000 lives (as of 12/31) in 11 nations spanning [...]

    The Revolution Continues

    Saturday, December 11th, 2004

    We believe in a faith that’s relevant, transformative, and real. (Check out “From Irrelevant to Revolutionary” for more.) This weekend, inner city teens are grappling with age old questions in Life in Translation, a nontraditional, original holiday production featuring jazz, Shakespeare, and acting by The Company. Check out pictures here. The Life in Translation program [...]

    Life in Translation

    Friday, December 10th, 2004

    Generation Xcel presents “Life in Translation” an original stage event featuring Shakespeare, Xpress, Jazz, and modern reinterpretations of age-old Questions Two Nights ONLY 12/10 & 12/11 7:30-9:00 pm Hosted by Abounding Grace Ministries 9 East 7th Street, Manhattan Corner of 3rd Avenue a/k/a Cooper Square R/W to 8th Street; 6 to Astor Place Suggested Donation [...]

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