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  • Katrina

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    Waiting for the Americans

    Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

    Bush continues to get blasted by the Left for the federal response to Katrina, and — to the extent the buck stops with him for ousted FEMA boss Michael Brown’s inneptitude — deservedly so. But David Warren of The Ottawa Citizen believes Bush is getting a bad rap: “If something happened up here [Canada], on [...]

    More bafoonery

    Monday, September 19th, 2005

    By Nawlans politicos: “Nagin’s decision was an about-face from earlier in the day, when he’d begun to allow people back into the region, and was made under increasing pressure from the federal government to scale back his plan to re-open parts of the city this week and beyond.” Link.

    Katrina Relief Links

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    Volunteer with the relief effort October 6-10. President Bush visits SCA staging area in Gulfport. Send a care package with 18-wheels.

    Somebody Cares for evacuees

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    Preview a rough video documenting the Katrina Relief efforts of CSI’s partner Somebody Cares America here. (Downloading takes several minutes; please be patient.)

    $20,000 raised for Katrina Relief

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    Thank you, New Hope Fellowship (Brooklyn, NY), for generously receiving a $20,000 offering to support Community Solutions’ work with Somebody Cares America on Sunday! The funds will be used to ship ten tractor trailer “care packages” from Minnesota to Somebody Cares staging areas in the following areas: Houston, TX Austin, TX San Antonio, TX Beaumont, [...]


    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    Will Sampson had a great post about the need for the officials who failed to respond appropriately to Katrina to take responsibility. President Bush was the first to do so today, when he said: “Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government and to the extent the federal government didn’t [...]

    Has Gov. Blanco contributed anything positive to the recovery efforts?

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    New Orleans’ Mayor Nagin has said she waited a critical 24 hours after the levees broke to request federal aid. Now she’s angry that the feds haven’t signed a contract to remove Katrina victims’ bodies from the water. Yet she’s authorized to execute the same contract on the state’s behalf. So after griping about the [...]

    The Heart of a Shepherd

    Saturday, September 10th, 2005

    Just before bedtime, Judah began to cry. Not a wimper and sniffle, but deep, profound sobbing from his gut. He began to shake and say that he was crying for the people “affected by the hurricane.” He had prayed for them just a few minutes before, prayed that God would give them “a new life, [...]

    An Opportunity to Be the Church

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    “God is using the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina to give the Church an opportunity to be the Church. He is bringing displaced people into our communities – people who are homeless and need help and love and care and concern. Their lives have been shaken and they are asking the most important questions of life: [...]

    Reflections on “Shelter from the Storm”

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    The Concert for the Gulf Coast was simulcast on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, UPN and the WB, along with several cable networks. Just a few reflections (I only saw about half of it): 1. It’s amazing how Hollywood finds God in times of crisis. 2. Alicia Keys found her calling: Gospel music. Her medley with [...]

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