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    Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It

    Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007

    Part 2 of 5 [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] “Why didn’t we help that man?” As Judah’s confused yet compassionate eyes gazed at mine, his words cut deep. We had just passed a panhandler in Chinatown on the way to introduce mom to soupy dumplings. [...]

    Texas Releases 226 "Improperly Jailed" Youth

    Saturday, May 19th, 2007

    “Sentences are often extended inconsistently or in retaliation for filing grievances… The review is one of many ongoing reforms to the state’s juvenile system after the disclosure of allegations of sexual abuse of inmates by staff and a possible cover-up by agency officials.” Article.sample free movies sexmovie free teengang movies bangmale porn movies gaymovies gagged [...]

    Justice for All, Part 2

    Friday, May 18th, 2007

    [Part 1] Gathering at UYWI May 17, 2007 10 am-1 pm Jeremy Del Rio, Community Solutions, Inc. and Generation Xcel Kara Powell, Fuller Seminary’s Center for Youth and Family MInistry Max Torres, Hispanic Family Initiative Jim Dekker, NorthPark Justine Conley, JConley Consulting Corynne Delberto, World Vision Wendy Tarr, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice [...]

    Justice for All, Part 1

    Thursday, May 17th, 2007

    Last year at the national UYWI conference, World Vision, Fuller Seminary, and UYWI convened 30 urban youth practitioners to explore whether and how to collaborate around a national social justice initiative. The consensus was: 1. The time is right to collaborate. + Biblical Justice imperative + Increased national consciousness + U.S. urban youth realities 2. [...]

    Justice, Power, Kingdom

    Thursday, May 17th, 2007

    Before we begin UYWI later this afternnoon, approximately 30 people who care about justice will gather for a pre-coference conversation about ways to amplify God’s heart for justice in out Americanized “Christian” culture. Here’s a flavor of some of the themes that I suspect will be raised.

    Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It

    Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

    Part 1 of 5 [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] Justice is so easy even a five-year-old can do it. It took me a long time to figure that out. Even though I’ve spent the better part of a lifetime committed to the idea of justice, determined to [...]

    Monday Miscellany

    Monday, May 14th, 2007

    + The poor get poorer. Bob reflects on this blog post from the Wall Street Journal (“Businesses Lure Working Poor Deeper Into Debt”) and this article from Business Week (“The Poverty Business: Inside U.S. companies’ audacious drive to extract more profits from the nation’s working poor.”) + Latinos give PBS a history lesson. Ruben Navarette [...]

    My heart is heavy

    Friday, May 11th, 2007

    I drove to Baltimore this morning before visiting Virginia’s Nissan Pavilion for tomorrow’s Battle Cry event, and asked Matt Stevens to take me to the so-called Blue Light Districts, high crime areas so named because of the ubiquitous presence of police cameras marked by flickering blue lights. (Take a virtual tour here.) For three-plus hours [...]

    Wednesday’s Weekly Webcast

    Wednesday, May 9th, 2007

    Shane Claiborne at Fusion Youth Conference

    To whom much is given…

    Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

    “From him much more will be required.” I didn’t make that up. Jesus did. ___________________ Back in 1999 I wrote this in a vision document for Generation Xcel: “Strategic alliances with professional athletes, individuals and corporate sponsors will facilitate X-cel’s expansion. Why athletes? 1. Common culture and heritage 2. Admiration, respect, and credibility 3. Resources [...]

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