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    Coming January 2008

    Friday, July 6th, 2007

    Lead Authors Kara Powell and Chap Clark asked me to contribute two chapters on economic justice, which are previewed in the recent “Jesus Justice” article. (Judah contributed to the book’s subtitle!) GospelCom says of the article: We hear a lot about “justice” these days, and about the importance the Bible puts on practicing justice. But [...]

    Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

    (Your) Two Cents Many times, it’s hard to see past our own lives. As westerners we have a great deal of wealth, but what do we choose to do with it? If we really believe that everything belongs to God, does that include our wallets as well? Available at FaithVisuals.com. Produced by 2100 Productions loans [...]

    Monday Morning MP3 (afternoon edition)

    Monday, June 25th, 2007

    A Dialogue about Living Out Social Justice in Your Community: Part 1 / Part 2, UYWI 2006 (With Michael Mata and Shane Claiborne)

    Wednesday’s Weekly Webcast

    Wednesday, June 20th, 2007

    Micro-Enterprise Members of the church are developing creative new ways to care for the economic, social, and spiritual needs of people. Available at FaithVisuals.com. Produced by 2100 Productions

    Wednesday’s Weekly Webcast

    Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

    Sex Trafficking: Child Prostitution Selling Innocence A ghastly look at the child sex trade. Available for download at www.FaithVisuals.com Produced By Highway Productions

    Monday Morning MP3

    Monday, June 11th, 2007

    Gentrification with Justice Artist: Dr. Bob LuptonTitle: Gentrification with JusticeAlbum: CCDA 2006Genre: CCDAYear: 2006Length: 74:09 minutes (50.92 MB)Format: MP3 Stereo 44kHz 96Kbps (CBR) Dr. Bob Lupton discusses gentrification in the US as well as the developing world and how it brings up issues of justice at this CCDA 2006 workshop. movies analsapphic erotica moviesfree adult [...]

    Jesus Justice – Full Article

    Saturday, June 2nd, 2007

    Download the PDF file of the original “Jesus Justice” article, as it appeared in the Journal of Student Ministries (May/June 2007).dollar personal loan bank 5000 frommany airplane loans how monthsloan 1500 loan personalloan personal 1500loan term 401kcard credit accept loan new internetgrants and washington loans accessaccounting for loans penalty on prepayment Map

    Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It

    Monday, May 28th, 2007

    Part 5 of 5 [Part 4] [Part 3] [Part 2] [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] Jesus loves justice so much that he built it into his response to the most fundamental of evangelical questions: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The question sounds [...]

    Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It

    Saturday, May 26th, 2007

    Part 4 of 5 [Part 3] [Part 2] [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] Judah’s not the first son who embodied justice for his father. There’s this teenage boy I know. He appears ordinary enough, with nothing much to distinguish himself except that he’s studious and [...]

    Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It

    Thursday, May 24th, 2007

    Part 3 of 5 [Part 2] [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] The concept of Shalom expresses this best. In his book Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense, British theologian N.T. Wright describes biblical justice as “putting the world to rights.” It’s the fulfillment, as Paul [...]

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