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Monday, March 14th, 2005Last week I played the role of nurse for my sick wife and son. This weekend I was the patient. Saturday was a great day. Judah woke up without a fever for the first time since Tuesday. Diana was also feeling much better and spent the day with her aunt at a conference in Queens. [...]
Health Coming
Thursday, March 10th, 2005Good news on the Judah front. It appears he had a virus that should work its way out of his system by tomorrow. Already today his energy is up and a partial appetite has returned. The fever still spikes occasionally, but the highs haven’t been as high and the energy lows haven’t been as low. [...]
Health Wanted
Wednesday, March 9th, 2005Sinuses. Fevers. Argh! Diana had phase one of the procedure to finally rid her sinuses of infection yesterday. She’s battled chronic sinusitis for 18 weeks now, systematically resisting every conceivable antibiotic treatment. The procedure was originally scheduled a month ago but had to be postponed twice for medical reasons. Tomorrow she has a follow-up to [...]
Belated Birthday Pics
Friday, February 25th, 2005They’re nearly 2 months late, but here are a few pics from Judah’s 4th. Gotta love the cake Originally uploaded by Genxcel. 45000 loan7 before loan 5 payday5.7 loansscore loan credit 500 personalloans 50000 signatureloan 502 sectionmonth car 60 loanroute 66 loan700 dollar loan7a business small loan
My apologies
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005It’s been over a week without any posts. Sorry ’bout that. This weekend was loaded with family stuff, and last week was intensely busy at work. Some of the highlights: Judah and I played the part of single adults by joining 35 friends from the S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Learning Together) of the Earth ministry of [...]
My Boy’s a Fighter
Sunday, February 13th, 2005So I’m in the mountains for some R&R, when I started getting funny vibes. Saturday, Diana and I agreed that I would call her at her sister’s house in Mass at 9:30 to say goodnight and pray with our son. When I called, Di’s sister Tara said she went for a drive. Judah wasn’t too [...]
“I Love This, I Love This”
Monday, January 31st, 2005So screamed Judah after sleigh-riding down Owl’s Head hill last night. The shear delight of his little voice combined with the excitement in his eyes makes fatherhood the greatest joy in the world. Unfortunately, two runs later Judah plowed into another little guy about his age and felt embarassed — not to mention afraid and [...]
Underwater Aliens
Monday, January 31st, 2005My son asked yesterday if we can go to the aquarium this summer. “Of course,” I said, but I’m also showing him a preview online at Time’s Aliens of the Deep. God has such a sense of humor. Could he have created animals to look any more bizarre than these?
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Thursday, January 20th, 2005This is not a joke. When my son showed it to me this evening, I was blown away. You may recall that Judah turned 4 earlier this month. Four. That makes him three weeks older than three. A few months back Judah got obsessed with spelling words. He wanted to know how to spell just [...]
I Promised Pictures
Monday, January 3rd, 2005Dapper Judah, working the room. Check out more pictures by clicking the image. (All pictures by Michael Mowery.) _K3I4182 Originally uploaded by Genxcel.
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