« Previous Entries Next Entries »Four year olds grieve too
Wednesday, August 17th, 2005Judah gets it. Death, that is. The last two weeks have been hard on him. When I told him about Caleb, he got pensive and said, “I’m sad because Caleb won’t be able to see his parents anymore.” A promise that Caleb could see them from heaven satisfied him for the moment. Then last week [...]
Catching up with the kids
Monday, August 1st, 2005Willie and Amber have stayed with us an extra week and a half, making 18 days so far. With Nonna’s status still uncertain, we’re not sure how much longer they’ll be with us. I hope they stay a while longer. It’s great fun having them around, and Judah’s in his glory. One of the favorite [...]
Perspective, part two
Wednesday, July 6th, 2005After the commotion of the Crusade and Xcel’s June calendar, I took Thursday and Friday off to extend the holiday weekend and hopefully get some rest. But alas, rest was not to be. On Thursday, Judah and I picked up his friend Sammy for two days of all-boy fun (see Perspective, part one, below). Unfortunately [...]
Perspective, part one
Tuesday, July 5th, 2005(Judah and Sammy at the Bibleman altar call last week.) Last Thursday, Judah and I picked up his buddy Sammy for two days of boys-only fun. The first thing out of Sammy’s mouth was that a man shot his brother six times “over there,” and he pointed to the courtyard just outside his building. “See [...]
Simply surreal … It’s gotta be a God thing
Saturday, June 25th, 2005[More pics here.]Saturday morning, Judah and his best friend Sammy invited Jesus into their hearts during Bible Man’s altar call. Without prompting from mom or dad, Judah’s arm shot up when the invitation was given, and he quickly rose to his feet. Along with Sammy, they raced to the front without so much as glancing [...]
Yankees Lost
Sunday, June 19th, 2005Judah and I went to his first Yankee game tonight courtesy of Uncle Richie and Aunt Ellen. Free tickets placed the four of us where the air thins, literally on top of the stadium in the very top row (tier 3, row x, seats 19-22. But since we were directly behind home plate, the perspective [...]
A Letter to my son on Father’s Day
Sunday, June 19th, 2005“As you learn to love others, don’t forget that your love for them can go only as deep as your love for yourself. … [Y]ou are God’s handiwork, crafted for His good pleasure. He uniquely designed you to be you alone, comfortable in your own shoes. Be ready to create your own path. Never will [...]
Judah, Philosopher King
Friday, June 17th, 2005“Everybody is scared of something.”Judah, 4, responding to homeless Lonnie, appx. 50, when Lonnie said that he was scared (6/17/2005, corner of Bayard and Mott Streets in Chinatown).730 dip mp3 dipmp3 anthem 5nizzasahasranamam mp3 5vishnurick ross mp3 737courses loan processing accredited750 mp3 saint diablomp3 lagu 60an75d mp3 leo Map
Judah, Meet Jesus
Thursday, June 16th, 2005[The following true story occurred yesterday.]“Why didn’t we help him?” As Judah’s confused yet compassionate eyes gazed at mine, his words cut deep. We had just passed a panhandler in Chinatown on the way to introduce mom to Joe’s Shanghai’s soupy dumplings. I had taken Judah the night before, just the two of us, on [...]
Judah’s workin’ it at Youth Explosion
Monday, June 6th, 2005Some of the highlights: The harder he pumped, the faster he went. Judah’s in the lead. The dolphin show was tight. Uncle John, Elsa, and Chris fly through the air with the greatest of ease! Check out the rest of the pics here. Congratulations to Youth Explosion for pulling off a terrific outreach at Great [...]
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