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  • john ortberg


    Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

    + John Ortberg's "Lessons from the Election: Seven Deadly Sins of Evangelicals in Politics":

    MEXITIL FOR SALE, I want to propose the “Seven Deadly Sins of Evangelicals and Politics.” You may have a few of your own to add. MEXITIL interactions, But the spirit of such lists in the past was not to add to our store of information but to contrition. So feel free to confess while you read, about MEXITIL. Taking MEXITIL, Messianism. The sin of believing that a merely human person or system can usher in the eschaton, get MEXITIL. This is often tipped off by phrases like: “The most important election of our lifetime” (which one wasn’t?); or “God’s man for the hour.”

    Selective Scripturization, MEXITIL FOR SALE. MEXITIL brand name, The sin of using Scripture to reinforce whatever attitude toward the president you feel like holding, while shellacking it with a thin spiritual veneer, MEXITIL photos. MEXITIL forum, If the candidate you like holds office, you consistently point people toward Romans 13: “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, MEXITIL over the counter, MEXITIL price, for there is no authority except that which God has established.” If your candidate lost, you consistently point people to Acts 4:10 where Peter and John say to the Sanhedrin: “Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God.” It’s just lucky for us the Bible is such a big book, online buying MEXITIL. MEXITIL duration, Easy Believism. This is the sin of believing the worst about a candidate you disagree with, where to buy MEXITIL, MEXITIL steet value, because when you want them to lose you actually want to believe bad things about them. MEXITIL FOR SALE, “Love is patient, love is kind,” Paul said. “Love does not delight in evil, order MEXITIL no prescription, Comprar en línea MEXITIL, comprar MEXITIL baratos, but rejoices in the truth.” But in Paul’s day nobody ran for Caesar. There was no talk radio, MEXITIL description. MEXITIL use, Episodism. The sin of being engaged in civic life only on a random basis, MEXITIL gel, ointment, cream, pill, spray, continuous-release, extended-release. The real issues never go away, but we’re tempted to give them our attention only when the news about them is controversial, or simplistic, or emotionally charged, MEXITIL FOR SALE. MEXITIL canada, mexico, india, Sustained attention to vital but unsexy issues is not our strong suit.

    Alarmism, buying MEXITIL online over the counter. After MEXITIL, A friend of mine used to work for an organization that claimed both Christian identity and a particular political orientation. They actually liked it when a president was elected of the opposite persuasion, fast shipping MEXITIL, MEXITIL treatment, because it meant they could raise a lot more money. MEXITIL FOR SALE, It is in their financial interests to convince their constituents that the president is less sane than Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Alarmists on both sides of the spectrum make it sound like we’re electing a Bogeyman-in-Chief every four years, MEXITIL alternatives. MEXITIL images, I sometimes think we should move the election up a few days to October 31.

    One Issue-ism, MEXITIL street price. Doses MEXITIL work, Justifying our intolerance of complexity and nuance by collapsing a decision into a simplistic and superficial framework.

    Pride, MEXITIL FOR SALE. I couldn’t think of a snappy title for this one, comprar en línea MEXITIL, comprar MEXITIL baratos. Is MEXITIL addictive, But politics, after all, MEXITIL from canadian pharmacy, MEXITIL dose, is largely about power. And power goes to the core of our issues of control and narcissism and need to be right and tendency to divide the human race into ‘us’ vs, MEXITIL duration. My MEXITIL experience, ‘them.’

    What might happen if the world were to see those of us who claim to be the church vote, and speak, buying MEXITIL online over the counter, MEXITIL recreational, and campaign, and respond to the results in a humble and repentant spirit?

    + Lisa Sharon Harper's "Black and White Evangelical Voters: A Teachable Moment"

    In the wee hours of the morning on Wednesday, November 5, Wolf Blitzer listed “The Losers” in Tuesday’s historic election on CNN. MEXITIL FOR SALE, Evangelicals were at the top of his list, joined by trickle-downers and social conservatives.

    I wouldn’t have known I was a loser if Wolf hadn’t informed me. I am an evangelical—a black one. ...

    Then we flipped channels to see how the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) was reporting the win. Two somber men sat in a quiet newsroom with one small silent graphic in the background, MEXITIL FOR SALE. They talked about how “they” (liberals) won because of “their” ground game. There was no connection to the justice of the moment. No acknowledgment that Obama, too, stood for biblical values.

    Evangelicals did not lose on November 4. MEXITIL FOR SALE, Evangelicals gained a teachable moment. The majority of the country celebrated, but 74 percent of white evangelicals mourned. Why?

    Read on for her assessment.

    + Gabriel Salguero's "Latino Protestants, Immigration and the Election"

    During the past few months the immigration reform issue has disappeared from the presidential dialogue. Ironically, during Hispanic Heritage Month [September 15 to October 15], Obama and McCain have spoken very little about the immigration crisis. To think that the emerging votes of Latino Protestants will go to a party that ignores the economic, social and migratory realities of their lives is to commit a major moral and political error, MEXITIL FOR SALE.

    + Bono's Letter to Barack Obama, published in Sojourners.

    I know your intellect — fashioned in the halls of Harvard and on the floor of the United States Senate — has weighed up the evidence on how effective American tax dollars are, when converted into smart, targeted, focused aid. Putting children into school where they can think freely of freedom. Giving farmers on the parched land seed varieties that double the size of their crop yields. Giving mothers 20 cent immunizations to protect their newborns from the deadly viruses that they pass on through childbirth. I know your intellect has taken in the data and seen the analysis on the transformative power of effective aid in places where the United States flag is currently not one smiled at. I know you know how much cheaper it is to make friends of potential enemies than to defend yourself at a later date.


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