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    A student skeptic genuflects on GodTube.com

    Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

    I had the pleasure of speaking last night at NYU’s InterVarsity MEF chapter. Along the way I picked up the school daily, the Washington Square News, and found this on the editorial page. Christ has risen. All the way to the glorious heights of online video sharing. Welcome to GodTube.com: Bow your heads, genuflect and [...]

    InterVarsity NY/NJ seeks NYCUP Director

    Monday, October 15th, 2007

    Program Director, New York City Urban Project InterVarsity is seeking an individual with a mature Christian faith, a commitment to student discipleship, and an entrepreneurial spirit. The project draws students to New York City for community-based urban experiences, primarily during summer and spring breaks. The program director has strong organizational, leadership, and planning skills and [...]

    The right Tar Heel legacy

    Tuesday, March 27th, 2007

    Even as UNC basketball fans lamented a historic Elite Eight collapse on Sunday, UNC students mourned the loss of Jason Ray, the 21-year-old man behind the team mascot mask on Monday morning. One student shared his legacy with ESPN. (HT: SpanglishGringo) He was the very first person I met at UNC. He was helping freshmen [...]

    Sorta, kinda back

    Thursday, October 26th, 2006

    I’m back down from the mountaintop. Came back to earth yesterday to speak at NYU Intervarsity’s Asian American Christian Fellowship on the subject: “Fact or Fiction? Believing in God is Enough to Get you into Heaven.” Preached from Luke 10, where a lawyer asks basically the same question in an attempt to “test” Jesus: “What [...]

    Every once in a while, it’s good to read reports like this

    Wednesday, May 24th, 2006

    This past spring break, Generation Xcel hosted 6 or 7 InterVarsity NYCUP volunteers. Christina and Jeff are returning this summer for internships. Jodi posted lengthy reflections online, which I found today for the first time. Here’s an excerpt: “I did leave on that last day with a heavy heart. My insides were churning. I had [...]

    He messed up my sermon

    Sunday, October 16th, 2005

    At NYU’s InterVarsity (MEF) meeting last Thursday, a student named Gerard messed up my sermon. Just kidding. Actually, he enhanced it even though his testimony compelled me to change the scripture text minutes before speaking. Born and raised in the Philipines, Gerard moved to the U.S. as a teenager when his mother got a job [...]

    Deja vu all over again

    Friday, March 4th, 2005

    A Thursday afternoon conversation felt like deja vu. Josh Carey, a junior from the InterVarsity chapter at City College, drove me back to the office after I spoke at the school, and shared with me his desire to see the Gospel relevantly presented on campus. Simultaneously hopeful and frustrated, empassioned and cautious, Josh sounded like [...]