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  • ground zero


    Friday, September 12th, 2008

    PERIACTIN FOR SALE, Whenever circumstances feel overwhelming, this image, taken at Ground Zero three days after 9/11, soothes.  So, on the day after the 7th anniversary of 9/11 and one week before the the launch of 20/20...


    Part of me can't help wonder if 20/20 is but one answer to the prayer that galvanized the Ground Zero Clergy Task Force and so much of our city following 9/11, a prayer that: "Buried in the rubble are the seeds of revival."

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    Pathetic Tragedy

    Monday, August 20th, 2007

    A weekend fire claimed the lives of two more firefighters at Ground Zero. That firefighters ever pay the supreme sacrifice for their bravery is tragic in itself. But this particular tragedy is pathetic in that it never should have happened. The former Deutsche Bank building stands across the street from the site of the former [...]

    An eerie drive to work

    Monday, September 11th, 2006

    Warning: The following reflections ramble a bit and may seem confused. So be it. The emerald blue skies brought me back. I’d been resisting the emotions of the 5-year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, instead choosing to focus on the excitement of my son’s first first day of first grade. But [...]

    When what’s sad becomes untrue

    Monday, September 11th, 2006

    Pastor Tim Keller from Redeemer gave the remembrance message at St. Paul’s Chapel last night at the invitation of the White House. The Times reports: “He decided to burrow anew into the difficult question “Why?” The question is impossible to answer completely, he said in his brief sermon. But Dr. Keller pointed to a theme [...]

    More Ground Zero pics

    Saturday, August 19th, 2006

    57 in all, here.

    Revisting 9/11 when it’s not an anniversary

    Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

    It happened randomly this evening, but I discovered the New York Time’s 9/11 archive. … Three and a half years later and I felt myself again go numb looking at the images and skimming the articles. 9/11 was a defining day for me on so many levels.