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  • george w. bush

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    Average students; world leaders

    Tuesday, June 7th, 2005

    President Bush and Senator Kerry were both C-students in college, and contrary to popular perception, Pres. Bush actually had a slightly better GPA (77 to 76). If C-students from Yale become President and runner-up of the most powerful nation in the world, what do A-students accomplish? Or do GPAs not really matter as much as [...]

    You gotta love him

    Wednesday, June 1st, 2005

    (Well, maybe you won’t, but …) Bono’s making waves for kind words about President Bush and — gasp! — Senator Jesse Helms. It takes courage for any celebrity, but especially one of the world’s biggest rock stars and its most outspoken activist, to speak kindly about archconservatives like W and Helms. But he manages to [...]

    Congrats, Cortes!

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

    One of Generation Xcel’s primary funders the past two years has been the federal Compassion Capital Fund via Nueva Esperanza, a financial intermediary run by Rev. Luis Cortes of Philadelphia. Today’s New York Times profiles Esperanza in “Hispanic Group Thrives on Faith and Federal Aid”: “Although a national study of the compassion fund is still [...]

    Freedom marches on

    Monday, March 7th, 2005

    Syria’s occupyers began moving out of Lebanon today after moving in nearly 30 years ago in 1976. This after Lebanon’s pro-Syrian puppet government “resigned” last week to make room for democratic elections, in response to demands by community protesters. Does this mean the so-called “Bush Doctrine” is actually working? Even Bush cynics from mainstream media, [...]

    Where’s the Faith in the Faith-Based Initiative?

    Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005

    Beliefnet is hosting an interesting discussion on the promise and disappointments of President Bush’s faith-based initiative. The article that started the controversy by ex-Bush aide David Kuo Responses: Marvin Olasky; White House Ron Sider: Bush’s real poverty scorecard

    Mr. President, is this rhetorical or real?

    Friday, February 4th, 2005

    In Wednesday’s State of the Union address, much was made of the President’s desire to “focus on our most-at-risk youth.” The White House summarized the proposals as follows: The President announced a new outreach effort, to be led by Mrs. Laura Bush, to focus on young Americans, especially young men, to help ensure a successful [...]

    It’s Official

    Thursday, February 3rd, 2005

    The top law enforcement officer in the land is Latino. Over the objections of 35 vocal Democrats and one nominal Independent, the Senate confirmed Alberto Gonzales on Thursday to be the nation’s next attorney general. Democrats who crossed party lines to vote for Gonzalez were Senators Lieberman (CT), Landrieu (LA), Pryor (AR), Nelson (FL), Nelson [...]

    Inaugural Quotables

    Friday, January 21st, 2005

    “We cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time.” “You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs. Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, [...]

    The Bar’s Been Raised

    Thursday, January 20th, 2005

    In light of Monday’s MLK commemoratives (see posts from 1/17) and today’s inauguration, it’s worth noting that, “With little fanfare and not much credit, President Bush has appointed a more diverse set of top advisers than any president in history” (from “Bush is opening doors with a diverse Cabinet,” USA Today, 12/09/04). Even Democratic strategists [...]

    How to Infuriate Anti-Faith Folks

    Wednesday, January 12th, 2005

    Say the following when you’re President of the United States: “I fully understand that the job of the president is and must always be protecting the great right of people to worship or not worship as they see fit,” Mr. Bush said. “That’s what distinguishes us from the Taliban. The greatest freedom we have or [...]

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