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  • gentrification

    The Paths of Resistance

    Friday, September 14th, 2007

    Fascinating article in today’s New York Times about the affects of “affluent ‘immigrants’” on Xcel’s neighborhood, the East Village. FOR a long time the East Village was an urban frontier. The upper half of the Lower East Side, stretching from Houston Street north to 14th Street, and from Third Avenue and the Bowery to the [...]

    Bario Shalom

    Saturday, August 5th, 2006

    Peace + Love + Justice + Fiesta Latino churches have overnight found themselves surrounded by new middle-class ‘neighbors’ right in the barrio, while many of their members have been forced to move away from the communities where they have grown up all of their lives–because the can no longer afford to live there. The pastors [...]

    Elder care?

    Monday, July 24th, 2006

    Urban ministry types have been wrestling with the disruptive effects of gentrification on our communities for years. Yet I’ve never really thought about its impact specifically on seniors and others with fixed incomes. The AARP offers this in their latest Bulletin: “When I found this place, I thought good luck was shining down on me,” [...]

    Things that make you go hmm

    Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

    A pretty, 20-something aspiring actress was shot and killed by a thuggish posse of muggers last week in our neighborhood. Her fiance cradled her in his lap as she breathed her last breath. This murder was indeed a tragic crime. People should be outraged. But from the resulting press coverage one would think it is [...]