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  • generation xcel

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    Pressing on

    Monday, June 13th, 2005

    On the first Sunday of every November for the last 36 years, the greatest city in the world effectively shuts down in order to accomodate 35,000 crazies who want to run outside my apartment building for the annual New York City Marathon. It’s quite a sight. For nearly an hour a seemingly endless mob of [...]

    NCAA Semifinals feature …

    Friday, June 10th, 2005

    … my girl, Ahndrea Allen. Tonight, she’s competing in the semifinals of the 400 at the NCAA Track and Field Championship in Sacramento, Califoria at 10:40 p.m. (EDT). PRAY for her! (Ahndrea’s brother Andrew was named one of Xcel’s “Volunteers of the Year” at last week’s Celebration.)

    I’ve known her since she was 5

    Friday, June 10th, 2005

    Lorreal (aka Lori) Torres, recipient of the 2005 Xpress Writing Award and Xcel board member since January, is one of my heroes. (Photo courtesy of Mike Mowery. Check out more pictures of Lori and the rest of the cast of Xpress’ Life in Translation here and here.) At seventeen, Lori is finishing her junior year [...]

    What really matters

    Monday, June 6th, 2005

    From Friday’s June 3, 2005 Dear Friends and Family: Generation Xcel is not about programs, budgets, or buildings. It is about young people, real lives with real value and real purpose. The “stuff” we do is simply an excuse to establish meaningful relationships with real kids — your kids. We love them for who they [...]

    Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

    A friend of my wife’s used that phrase to describe herself recently. Yet she’s a self-made women with a successful business and ambitious vision for her future, a no-nonsense go-getter who creates opportunities for success. And she appears fearless. But beneath it all, she still perceives herself simply as a, “Daddy, love me,” girl. Now [...]

    Teter’s crew arrived

    Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

    Nine InterVarsity students from Cal State Dominguez Hills arrived from L.A. late last night for a six week internship at Generation Xcel. After site seeing today, they’ll be thrown into the mix tomorrow as staff for the Celebration. Then Monday and Tuesday they get a Chain Reaction intensive, followed by youth outreach LES style through [...]

    Celebrate Xcellence

    Wednesday, June 1st, 2005

    generation xcel presents the fourth annual Celebration of Xcellence friday, 3 june, 7-9 pm (doors open at 6:30)Location: Abounding Grace Ministries9 East 7th Street (corner of 3rd Ave.), NYC celebrate the after school achievements of Generation Xcel students live music, spoken word, dance, & drama awards and honors light refreshments admission is free please come [...]

    This is why

    Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

    “I have heard many times, from students who share the distinction of coming from the ‘projects,’ that their deepest fear is to try to ‘finish college,’ ‘lead a ministry,’ etc. — and fail. As a certified project girl I would like to challenge that. I think the ‘project plight’ lies not in the fear of [...]

    Big year for graduates – much love and respect

    Sunday, May 15th, 2005

    2005 is shaping up to be a HUGE college graduation year for me. Last Saturday, Ahndrea Allen got the party started by completing Northeastern University. Ahndrea was in my youth group for five or so years before moving to Boston for college. She’s a track star and musical standout who is currently deciding between offers [...]

    I’m proud of him

    Wednesday, March 30th, 2005

    I ran into Kevin Cedeno this afternoon. He’s still flying high after receiving an acceptance letter from John Jay College last week, and his work with the Youth Justice Board has him interviewing Department of Education bigwigs (on the schedule, Chancellor Joel Klein and possibly Mayor Bloomberg) and criminal justice experts. Three years ago, Kevin [...]

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