« Previous Entries Next Entries »Ã¢â‚¬Å“The God of Revival, the Barren Woman, and the Worshipping Churchâ€Â
Sunday, September 23rd, 2007From Fulton Street, Saturday morning … Rev. Dr. Jack Hayford JH is in ministry today because of Jeremiah Lanphier. First learned about him 40 years ago and his story revolutionized JH’s ministry. “Prayer is the fountain head of evangelism.†The worshipping life has become a repenting life and lives in the humility that cames from [...]
The Role of the City in Spiritual Renewal
Friday, September 21st, 2007Blogging the Fulton Street Revival … Pastor Tim Keller Tonight @ Fulton Street Revival opening plenary I. What is Spiritual Renewal? How can we identify a spiritual renewal? Every revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit operating through three instruments that have three components and produce 3-4 results. A. Three instruments 1) The [...]
Devotions with Bono …
Friday, September 14th, 2007… this morning, in bumper- to-bumper traffic on the BQE. First, the context. I have a mix CD of U2 music in my car that my son loves. Wednesday, he asked me to play Track 9, his “favorite song” (“Pride in the Name of Love”) for his friend Chris which is how the CD ended [...]
Blog Catch-Up
Tuesday, September 4th, 2007+ Content Creation Online: 44% of U.S. Internet users have contributed their thoughts and their files to cyberspace. + The Partnership for After School Education (PASE) has launched a podcast of its trainings, conferences, and symposia. The current online library is small, but appears to be growing. PASE has been a long-standing training resource, program [...]
Filling Christianity’s “Gnarly Niche”
Tuesday, September 4th, 2007ABC Nightline reports on “extreme sports, evangelical style” led by unUsual Suspect Stephen Baldwin: “This is by no means the first attempt to make Christianity cool. Anybody remember the 1980s band Stryper? … Whether you think Stryper rocks or not, the evangelical youth movement seems to have grown significantly since then. … Over the past [...]
Sorrow But No Regrets
Monday, August 20th, 2007I can look at this journey and see a trail of folly. Or I can look back with tenderness and see churches and pastors that taught me all I know about loving Jesus and being loved by him. I choose tenderness because Jesus Christ exists on earth within his sin-damaged band of followers. This is [...]
Faithful, not successful
Thursday, August 9th, 2007“God doesn’t call us to be successful. He calls us to be faithful.” – Rev. Ray Rivera, 8/4/07 “Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even [...]
Wednesday Weekly Webcast
Wednesday, August 8th, 2007The Power of Your Story Jeremy Del Rio at “The Experience,” 7/27/07 Nutley Abundant Life Worship Center When people meet you, do they want a sequel? (Part 2) Related + Part 1
Monday Morning MP3
Monday, August 6th, 2007Becoming a Peculiar People Shane Claiborne, CCDA 2006 If we are crazy it is because we refuse to be crazy in the same way the world has gone crazy. This workshop will explore Christianity as a peculiar way of living, looking to the early Christians for wisdom, and to the prophetic imagination of contemporary urban [...]
When people meet you, do they want a sequel?
Saturday, July 28th, 2007In a summer of sequels, I’ve been overcome once again by the power of story. The people who shape values and influence culture are the ones who tell stories best. Painters, songwriters, filmakers, and athletes who evoke emotion, capture our imagination, and inspire us beyond ourselves win awards and impact generations. Politicians and statesmen, teachers [...]
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