« Previous Entries Next Entries »The Spirit of Hip Hop
Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007What do CNN and MTV have in common (other than revolutionary cable pedigrees)? Both have reported on the “Spirit of Hip Hop,” a syndicated Gospel Hip Hop radio show based in Atlanta. + Finding My Religion: Hip Hop Gets the Spirit (MTV) “It’s a good thing that we’re trying to find morals and boundaries,” veteran [...]
Another Reason to see Rocky Balboa
Sunday, December 31st, 2006Besides the fact that it’s a great movie: Because when you write from the heart, out comes the spiritual message. You just know that you’re dealing with the human condition and quite often, even though you may not say the word Jesus in every line, you can feel it working through the characters, you can [...]
The “Ministry of Disequilibrium”
Monday, December 18th, 2006Joseph usually gets no love. As a supporting character in the greatest story ever told, and a bit player in the narratives about it, he’s left to lurk in the shadows cast by his stepson Jesus and the virgin mother Mary. My Uncle Dave pointed this out to me this summer, and said he wants [...]
Carrying your
Friday, December 15th, 2006Andrew Jones (a/k/a Tall Skinny Kiwi) is a leading voice of the global emerging church and an extraordinary blogger. Last month, in the wake of the Ted Haggard scandal, he posted a beautiful reflection on the scandal’s impact on Haggard’s children and on the Church’s duty to help them shoulder the burden of Haggard’s shame. [...]
The Necessity of Wounds
Thursday, December 14th, 2006If the truth were known, the saints of God in every age were only effective after they had been wounded. They experienced the humbling wounds that brought contrition, compassion and a yearning for the knowledge of God. – A.W. Tozer
What to make of this?
Tuesday, December 12th, 2006Jeff asks a great question about the New York Times’ 6-part series on the seperation of church and state (by Diana Henriques). I haven’t read every article yet, but my initial skeptism wonders whether the Times isn’t doing a disservice to the larger debate by framing every issue as an accusation that faith groups are [...]
What to make of this?
Friday, December 1st, 2006James 5:1-6 (NIV): Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last [...]
Daddy loves you, buddy
Friday, November 17th, 2006RAIN Rob Bell has a great video (produced by Nooma) about getting caught in a thunderstorm with his 1-yr old son. Reminds me of the song, “Wrap me in your arms,” by Michael Gungor. Lyrics: There is a God who loves me Who wraps me in His arms And that is the place where I’m [...]
Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 14th, 2006With Thanksgiving around the corner, it’s time to remember God’s hand of protection and provision even in the midst of dire circumstances. Consider the story of Squanto, the almost mythic Indian hero of the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving. While historical accounts of Squanto’s life vary, the basics are well recorded. Around 1608, more than a decade [...]
Singing in a cesspool
Monday, November 13th, 2006This story gripped me as a teenager in the 80s, but I had forgotten it until recently when someone reminded me of it during a personal struggle. Oh, the perspective it offers! KUNMING, China  “I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses…†sang Pastor Chen as he worked [...]
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