« Previous Entries Next Entries »Dr. Eddie Gibbs on “missional engagementâ€Â
Monday, October 17th, 2005“A missional engagement requires immersion in culture, to listen and ask questions. A missionary then proposes responses from the gospel, rather than attempting to impose a message.†This from his critique in Christianity Today of D.A. Carson’s analysis of Brian McLaren and the emerging church movement. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 10/17/2005 10:15:00 PM [...]
Tim Keller on Becoming “Missionalâ€Â
Friday, October 14th, 2005“One of the reasons much of the American evangelical church has not experienced the same precipitous decline as the Protestant churches of Europe and Canada is because in the U.S. there is still a ‘heartland’ with the remnants of the old ‘Christendom’ society. … In conservative regions, it is still possible to see people profess [...]
Thursday, October 13th, 2005“Relevant churches are rarely even closely relevant. Most Christians don’t even like them. They might be better than Mom and Dad’s morning service, but they usually are quite irrelevant to the outsider. The church person cannot ‘guess’ what the seeker wants, undoubtedly getting it wrong. What Christians need to do is create meaningful worship through [...]
“Attractional v. Incarnational†ministry
Thursday, October 6th, 2005Interesting discussion here. Tony S. always links to fascinating reads like this. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 10/06/2005 11:33:00 PM 2 comments
“We’re not stupidâ€Â
Tuesday, October 4th, 2005So said Luis Palau on his evangelistic methods, to the Washington Post. Palau’s DC Festival is this weekend. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 10/04/2005 12:42:00 PM 0 comments
Outing a Christian comic
Monday, September 19th, 2005“In the competitive world of stand-up comedians, Mr. Stine, 45, has found a niche …. [I]n 1999, after working with a lesbian comedian who discussed her orientation in her act, Mr. Stine decided to ‘out’ himself, telling his audience he was a born-again Christian.” New York Times, “An Evangelical Comic Provokes Holy Laughter,” 9/17/05). Link.
All grown up
Sunday, September 18th, 2005Hung out with Jose Zayas today, who was in NYC for this weekend’s PK event, after not seeing him since Sunday School 20 years ago. Don’t be fooled: although he’s now an evangelist ministering with Luis Palau, Promise Keepers, Focus on the Family, and Stephen Baldwin’s Livin’ It tour, he got his start as Donkey [...]
Jesus Loves You, New York
Sunday, July 17th, 2005(That’s me on the left, at a street outreach in the early 80s, along with mom and dad, Jamie and Jonathan) This summer marks the 19th or 20th year of Abounding Grace’s annual “Jesus Loves You, New York” outreach. (I don’t recall if the first was in ’85 or ’86). Either way, I was a [...]
His Spirit Moves Them
Wednesday, July 13th, 2005CityTribe church, pastored by my friend Juan Galloway, was featured in Sunday’s Star Ledger, New Jersey’s largest newspaper. “It was a winter night, cold. I was a drug addict, a dope fiend,” said Sonny, a Vietnam veteran who was living under bridges and spent the years from 1976 to 1997 in prison. “I started coming [...]
How evangelistic are we, really?
Sunday, June 26th, 2005Overwhelmingly, the media coverage of the crusade has been positive. But an op-ed from Sunday’s NY Times, although similarly respectful, raised some hard issues. “Indeed, most of those who come to hear Mr. Graham preach are already born-again Christians. Some may be ‘backslid’ in their faith or fighting drugs, but it is seldom the hardened [...]
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