« Previous Entries Next Entries »Monday Morning MP3
Monday, July 16th, 2007Jesus and the Hip Hop Prophets Alex Gee, CCDA 2006 The Arts can be a key to unlock the soul. Paul knew this well as he quoted the poets in his address at Mars Hills. This workshop is designed to train you and your ministry to teach the Word of God with cultural relevance. The [...]
Friday Foto Finish
Friday, July 6th, 2007Diana and her grandmother, shortly after Nonna met Jesus. More Nonna pics here. Reflecting on family today, I remembered the “Television Evangelist” webcast from several weeks ago. I’m a fan of Odd Thomas and appreciate his critique of many current televangelists in the song. But the caricatures of today don’t eliminate the impact annointed Word, [...]
Wednesday’s Weekly Webcast
Wednesday, June 6th, 2007Television Evangelist Visits Mosaic (LA) HT: Josh Trujillo
Understanding the Mindset of a Gang Member
Saturday, May 19th, 2007Panel – Featuring Blinky Rodriguez (and 12! other ex-gang members and workers) Q: East LA church plant wants to reach gang members. “Church doesn’t work for them,” but they want God. How do we help them grow? A1: Find the leader. Train him. Blinky: Find a relevant point of contact. What does that individual need? [...]
Strawman Jesus
Friday, May 4th, 2007Edgeworth Church in Malden, MA has been using the web for innovative outreach for years, but their latest, “Strawman Jesus,” takes the cake. It’s a resource tied to Pastor Matt Kruse’s latest preaching series contrasting the Christ portrayed in John’s gospel with various “strawmen” versions of Christ embraced by culture. A classically provocative salvo from [...]
A Campus Ministry Primer for Cities
Tuesday, April 17th, 2007Student Venture Playbook: A Campus Ministry Primer for Cities. Buy it TODAY! I had the privilege of collaborating with Kevin Young and Student Venture New York in designing and writing commentary for their staff training book. After months of envisioning, drafting, designing, and editing, and a baptism by fire in the world of self-publishing, the [...]
Real Christians of Genius
Tuesday, April 10th, 2007alltel ringtone free lgusa free ringtone nokia 3360yeah ringtone fuck america3200 wireless 20 verizon ringtone lgsamsung ringtone a670a900 samsung download ringtonetour accringtonnokia ringtone alltel phone free Map
Open Source the Gospel
Friday, March 16th, 2007In January, in response to a question about how to engage a plugged-in generation, I wrote: 8. Embrace the open source culture of the internet and its ability to empower the masses. Like all great technological innovations, the internet was built by people who shared their knowledge with others who could improve upon it. Google, [...]
Reaching post-Christians
Tuesday, March 13th, 2007Pastor Daniel Hill (River City Community Church, Chicago) offers great insights into reaching “post-Christians” after first contrasting them with “pre-Christians” over at the Christianity Today Leadership Journal website. Pre-Christians: These are individuals who at some level are open to the idea of Christianity and, given the right circumstances, could see themselves embracing it. Maybe this [...]
Monday Morning MP3
Monday, February 12th, 2007WWJD (What Would Jay-Z Do?): Engaging Youth Culture, UYWI 2005 [Note: appx 15 min. of Q&A was cut due to audio quality]
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