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    The Story Behind the Red Letters

    Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

    Sojourners and other progressive Christian leaders have begun calling evangelical social justice types “Red Letter Christians,” in tribute to the recorded words of Jesus which are commonly printed in red. So you can imagine my surprise when Mike O’Neil — executive director of Hope for New York and former director of Kids with a Promise [...]

    A fly on the wall

    Monday, March 12th, 2007

    This post is for those who wish they could have been the proverbial “fly on the wall” for historic conversations as they happened. Here are two ongoing “Kingdom” dialogues in the blogosphere worth noting. On “Urban ministry” and “emerging church” partnerships at Chris Brooks’ blog. On environmental justice and a proposed debate between Jim Wallis [...]

    How can we be friends?

    Friday, February 2nd, 2007

    A must read: Reconciliation Blues by Edward Gilbreath, the first African American staff reporter at Christianity Today. His insights about the state of race relations within evangelicalism are excerpted here. One story he tells reminds me of my own experience at a lilly-white evangelical conference, as told in “Losing Races: A Dream Deferred” (reprinted at [...]

    Baptists dont drink alcohol in front of each other

    Friday, January 5th, 2007

    Tallskinnykiwi Andrew Jones has an amusing post about Baptists and Booze. Reminds me of this: In my experience, unbelievers don’t get offended when Christians have a Bud. Fundamentalist Christians do. Unbelievers tend not to notice, and when they do, it’s because they are relieved that they’re not being judged.


    Friday, December 1st, 2006

    a) That ABC News would report a historic moment in the global war against AIDS — Rick Warren’s invitation to democratic Senator Barak Obama to address the 2006 Globl Summit on AIDS and the Church — with this headline: Dissention Among Religious Leaders Sparks Protests Over AIDS Summit b) That some within the evangelical community [...]

    A New Faith-Based Agenda

    Thursday, November 9th, 2006

    Of Newsweek’s five articles on the evangelical political identity-crisis, my favorite is Michael Gerson’s “A New Social Gospel.” A former speechwriter for President Bush, Gerson understands intimately both the dynamics of right-wing evangelicalism and the shortcomings of the current faith based initiative. Plus he offers a proactive, positive agenda (what we might be for) as [...]

    Jesus Politics: Sex or Social Justice?

    Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

    After the GOP debacle in yesterday’s elections, the evangelical wing of the Republican party has some serious soul-searching to do. Fittingly, Newsweek devotes its cover story and four related articles in this week’s issue to an evangelical political identity crisis. But now, more than three decades after Roe v. Wade propelled religious conservatives fully into [...]

    The Haggard Truth

    Wednesday, November 8th, 2006

    Leadership Journal’s blog “Out of Ur” offers sobering insight from Gordon MacDonald, himself a survivor of scandal, on the Ted Haggard story. On TH’s personal struggles: This deeper person … can be the source of attitudes and behaviors we normally stand against in our conscious being. But it seeks to destroy us and masses energies [...]

    Guilty. Does grace still cover?

    Monday, November 6th, 2006

    He’s not the first and won’t be last. Still, Ted Haggard’s firing from the megachurch he built and confession to being “dominated” by sexual sin serve as a poignant reminder to all of us in ministry of the frailty of man. … I am guilty of sexual immorality, and I take responsibility for the entire [...]

    Innocent until proven guilty

    Friday, November 3rd, 2006

    Lost amidst the sordid allegations against evangelical mega-Pastor Ted Haggard this morning is the fact that rumors, lies, and wrongful accusations are a dime a dozen. Anyone can say anything against anybody. If the target happens to be high profile and influential they’re especially easy prey. That’s why our legal system, if not the media, [...]

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