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    Join the Club

    Thursday, February 24th, 2005

    In response to an earlier post about Brian McLaren, Matt Kruse (a Boston-area church planter) and I have decided to read A New Kind of Christian together and compare notes online. Anyone else want to join our pseudo book club experience?

    A fresh face, refreshing voice

    Monday, February 7th, 2005

    One of Time’s 25 was a man named Brian McLaren. Although I’ve heard his name mentioned a couple times in the last few years, I had never read any of his books, heard him speak, or known much about his ministry. But after watching the clips from his appearance on Larry King last week, I’m [...]

    This is Old News, But I Blame Kruse

    Monday, January 10th, 2005

    Had I had a blog in October, I would have written then about the little known man most singularly responsible for reversing the Curse of the Bambino and lifting the Red Sox out of their 86-year misery: Matthew Kruse. With the Sox down 0-3 in the ALCS to the Yankees, Matt preached “The Red Sox [...]

    The Emerging Leader Debate Continues

    Monday, December 20th, 2004

    I’m in North Carolina for the Billy Graham Institute for Emerging Evangelists, where the debate continues about how to empower “emerging” leaders to actually lead. Thank God for Eddie Gibbs, professor of evangelism at Fuller Theological Seminary. If ever there was a contemporary example of what happens when, as Joel prophesied, the Spirit causes old [...]

    What Does it Mean to be an “Emerging Leader”?

    Tuesday, December 14th, 2004

    A friend and I were talking today about the phrase “emerging leader.” What does it really mean — in practical terms — in the context of being among the youngest members of a network or working committee comprised almost entirely of “established leaders” 10-40 years senior? Does being considered an emerging leader simply mean one [...]

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