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  • emerging church

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    I went to a U2 concert (and other reflections on missional living)

    Tuesday, October 18th, 2005

    I went to see U2 at the Staples Center on November 2, in Los Angeles. Regrettably, it’s my first U2 concert. In 1993, I had an opportunity to see U2 in Madrid with a bunch of college buddies, but that was at a time in my life when I viewed the world through fundamentalist Christian [...]

    Dr. Eddie Gibbs on “missional engagement”

    Monday, October 17th, 2005

    “A missional engagement requires immersion in culture, to listen and ask questions. A missionary then proposes responses from the gospel, rather than attempting to impose a message.” This from his critique in Christianity Today of D.A. Carson’s analysis of Brian McLaren and the emerging church movement. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 10/17/2005 10:15:00 PM [...]

    Pastor Roger has officially joined the journey

    Sunday, October 16th, 2005

    This morning at church, Pastor Roger McPhail preached a sermon on “Christ and Culture” and confessed that after 25 years of ministry, he’s re-embarked on a journey to discover what the New Testament Jesus would look like in our 21st century neighborhoods. It was inspiring to hear a recognized apostolic leader in the city say [...]


    Thursday, October 13th, 2005

    “Relevant churches are rarely even closely relevant. Most Christians don’t even like them. They might be better than Mom and Dad’s morning service, but they usually are quite irrelevant to the outsider. The church person cannot ‘guess’ what the seeker wants, undoubtedly getting it wrong. What Christians need to do is create meaningful worship through [...]

    Is the Assemblies of God ready for the Emerging Church?

    Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

    One guy’s attempt to translate the so-called “emergent church” for an A/G district: “Now remember, I was to challenge and represent a mindset that is growing inside and outside the church walls. So I don’t necessarily do all these things, or fit into all these mindsets. But I do long to understand this ‘people group,’ [...]

    Convergence, McLaren’s way

    Friday, August 12th, 2005

    I hope that recent controversies about emergence will give way to a profound new convergence – where formerly alienated people come together as never before to form Christ-centered communities in which more and more of us learn to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength … in which we learn to love [...]

    McLaren on PBS

    Monday, July 18th, 2005

    “Religion & Ethics Weekly” aired two segments on the so-called Emerging Church movement in the last two weeks. Read the transcripts or download the videos here: Part 1 and Part 2. The second primarily profiles McLaren.


    Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

    The Story We Find Ourselves in, today over lunch. It’s the second of three books in Brian McLaren’s ANKOC series. Wow. Refreshing. Stimulating. Provocative. Not sure I agree with all of it, but that’s partly the point. I don’t have to any more than Brian has to agree with me on every detail (as if) [...]

    Nominate Influencers

    Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

    A national magazine just asked me to nominate 5-7 individuals “from media to the arts to politics to business, etc., who are the most influential Christian twentysomethings (18-34).” Any suggestions from the blogosphere?

    Hip Hop prophets

    Thursday, May 12th, 2005

    From Jesus and the Hip Hop Prophets, by John Teter and Alex Gee (IVP, 2003): “The biographies of Jesus … include a story about three astrologers…. They were the first ones to figure out what God was up to, beacuse God wanted them on the inside. God could have communicated with them any way…. But [...]

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