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    Monday, May 12th, 2008

    Scot McKnight on the Whole Gospel

    Speaking to small group leaders at Northpoint Community Church

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    Monday, May 5th, 2008

    Everything Must Change: The Radical Meaning of the Kingdom of God for Today's World

    Brian McLaren

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    Friday, May 2nd, 2008

    Brian McLaren visits LPAC this weekend for the New York leg of his Everything Must Change BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION, tour. I'll be there tonight and tomorrow morning and will blog as much of my notes as possible. Stay tuned for pictures as well, buying MOBIC online over the counter.

    EMC Session 1

    IMG_6919.JPGThe book's story begins with ... a youth pastor and a flip chart …

    Brian McLaren’s early 20s – “winging it” at a youth camp. (Shout-out to youth pastors, BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION. Being "somewhat unprepared" leads to creativity.) He asked: “What are the biggest issues that are upsetting people at the church?” The teens' answers:

    + Speaking in tongues
    + Guitars or no guitars
    + Drums
    + Dress code
    + Predestination or free will

    Then: What issues bother you (the youth), MOBIC wiki.

    + Overpopulation
    + Nuclear war / nuclear winter
    + Communism
    + Racism
    + Poverty
    + Disease
    + Pollution

    There was absolutely no overlap between the two lists. MOBIC price, Something is wrong with those two lists having nothing in common.

    2 Big Questions

    1) What are the top global problems. BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION, 2) What does the teaching of Jesus have to do with these issues.

    Research found many lists:
    + UN University: “Fifteen Global Challenges”
    + Copenhagen Consensus Top Ten
    + 8 Millennium Development Goals -- even the National Association of Evangelicals is officially committed to these goals, MOBIC brand name, but most evangelicals have never even heard of them. MOBIC trusted pharmacy reviews, (Homage to Bono: “If the church isn’t involved then the rock stars will cry out”)
    + Rick Warren’s PEACE Plan

    Synthesized the lists into ...

    Four Global Crises

    Imagine a societal machine (because humans make machines and can change them) with 3 interlocking circles: Prosperity (healthy and thriving); security (protect the prosperity); and equity (how do you pay for everything to keep the machine going fairly; courts and legal structures). Think about the problems in relation to each other, MOBIC reviews.

    The machine exists within the ecosystem (environment), BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION. Solar energy comes in; generates resources with the machine converts to waste which produces heat that leaves our ecosystem

    Crisis 1: The crisis of the Planet.

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    Crisis 2: The crisis of Poverty.

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    6.7 Billion People …
    + Top 1 billion consume 32x the resources of the bottom billion
    + Top 1% owns 40% of wealth
    + Top 5% owns 70% of wealth
    + Top 20% earns 83x the bottom 20%
    (More Global Poverty Facts and Stats)

    Crisis 3: The crisis of Peace.

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    That’s the nightmare we woke up in, MOBIC for sale.

    Reflection Q: 1) How are you involved with each crisis as part of the problem. MOBIC class, 2) Where are you – or would you – most likely be part of the solution.

    Crisis 4: Crisis of Purpose / Spirituality.

    Why do the three crises work together in a destructive way. We lack an appropriate framing story, BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION.

    The Framing Story

    What keeps the machine going is a framing story: Who we are, MOBIC results, Where we’re going, MOBIC used for, and Why we’re there.

    4 major stories:

    + The Domination Narrative: “If only we were in charge!” The problem with the world is we’re not in charge. Us/them
    + The Revolution Narrative: “If only they weren’t in charge!” The world’s problem is they’re in charge (terrorism: it’s only terror for the people who are in charge)
    + The Scapegoating Narrative: Hitler: Jews, MOBIC price, gypsies, After MOBIC, Jehovah’s witness – If only they would change.
    + The Isolation Narrative: There’s no hope; let’s retreat into the bubble (holy huddle)

    In the New Testament:
    + Dominators: (Romans, Sadducees, buy MOBIC from canada, Herodians, Effects of MOBIC, Tax Collectors (Political appeasers)
    + Revolutionaries: Zealots
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    The Kingdom of God as a Framing Story

    IMG_6888.JPGJesus proclaimed a radically different framing story: Good news of the Kingdom of God. BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION, He preached, “The Kingdom of God is like.” The message of the kingdom is a story, and offers a counterpoint to each framework:

    + Don’t dominate. Serve
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    + Don’t blame. Online MOBIC without a prescription, Embrace
    + Don’t isolate. Draw near and heal

    Our radical choice

    + Wake up from the bad dream and realize it’s not working. There’s no “them.” We are all in this together, BUY MOBIC NO PRESCRIPTION.

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    + Disbelieve the other narratives, MOBIC australia, uk, us, usa, even when people misuse scripture to support them.

    + Believe that the Kingdom of God is near.

    Reflection Q

    When the crises are framed as the minority oppressing the majority, MOBIC use, but the solution is, “There’s no them,” how should the majority work for healing and hope without casting blame.

    Jesus speaks as much about the means as the end. “There is no way to peace, because peace itself is the way.”

    Closed in an Alter/Altar Call

    + The only hope is the Good News of Jesus Christ. Not democrats or republicans.

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