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    Judah started school today

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

    (For more pics, go here.) You read that right. His first day of Pre-K was May 3, not September whatever. Technically he missed the age cutoff to start pre-K this year by two days. (His birthday is Jan. 2. The cutoff is Dec. 31.) Since Diana has been a full-time caregiver, no big deal. But [...]

    “This is a nontraditional course.”

    Thursday, January 27th, 2005

    So begins the course description for the Urban Community Development class I’m teaching this semester at Alliance Theological Seminary. It continues: “Equal parts graduate seminar, academic laboratory, and clinical practicum, our overriding goal will be to understand and apply strategic leadership principles in a real-world, urban community development context. While exploring the evolution of community [...]

    The Emerging Leader Debate Continues

    Monday, December 20th, 2004

    I’m in North Carolina for the Billy Graham Institute for Emerging Evangelists, where the debate continues about how to empower “emerging” leaders to actually lead. Thank God for Eddie Gibbs, professor of evangelism at Fuller Theological Seminary. If ever there was a contemporary example of what happens when, as Joel prophesied, the Spirit causes old [...]

    What Does it Mean to be an “Emerging Leader”?

    Tuesday, December 14th, 2004

    A friend and I were talking today about the phrase “emerging leader.” What does it really mean — in practical terms — in the context of being among the youngest members of a network or working committee comprised almost entirely of “established leaders” 10-40 years senior? Does being considered an emerging leader simply mean one [...]

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