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    YouTube technology improves NYC law enforcement

    Thursday, January 18th, 2007

    And you thought it was a passing fad. “Think about Google. Think about eBay. Think about photos people take on their cellphones when they’re on vacation. It’s time to bring law enforcement into cyberspace,” declared Feinblatt [Mayor Bloomber's criminal-justice coordinator]. “In the end, it’s going to help us solve crimes faster.” From “‘YouTube’ Due for [...]

    I fail to see the "bright side" of this

    Thursday, January 4th, 2007

    “On the bright side, New York ranked slightly higher than the national average on the federal fourth-grade reading test, with 33 percent deemed proficient, compared with 29.8 percent nationally. On the eighth-grade math exam, 30.8 percent of New Yorkers passed, compared to 28.5 percent nationally.” Story. So 67% of New York City’s 4th graders aren’t [...]

    Blogging from the local public library

    Friday, September 22nd, 2006

    Free WiFi, which reminds me … When people gripe about stuff — failing education, no vacation money, digital divide issues, inaccessible internet access — it would behoove them to visit the local public library. I haven’t been to one since studying for the bar exam, and before that, uh, hardly ever since junior high. Yet [...]

    Dean Jonathan

    Wednesday, August 9th, 2006

    More on our local Adopt-A-School experiment. Jonathan, in 2003, with a PS 34 student After offering teaching positions to both Jonathan and Dorothy, the principal at PS 34 asked Jonathan to also become the 7th and 8th grade dean. As dean, he will be responsible both for math interventions with underperforming students and disciplinary issues [...]

    PS 34, Take 2

    Friday, July 28th, 2006

    Last month, Jonathan paved the Adopt-A-School way at P.S. 34, the public school across the street from Generation Xcel. Yesterday, Dorothy Rivera joined him as a second math teacher at the school. A Cornell University graduate and lifelong New Yorker, Dorothy spent the summer before her senior year on Xcel’s staff and worked full-time after [...]

    Playing politics with our kids

    Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

    “These schools don’t achieve excellent results by taking kids who are ‘easier’ to teach. … Charter schools, free from the work rules and bureaucracy that can hinder other public schools, are turning kids’ lives around.” – NYC Public Schools Chancellor Joel Klein on the need to expand charter school reform in New York State, where [...]

    Happy Birthday, Jonathan

    Tuesday, July 11th, 2006

    Jonathan turns thirty today. Yesterday he got the great news that he passed the exams to become cerified as a math teacher. More on Jon’s teaching here. Jon in Puerto Rico last week With Great Uncles Isaac and Eladiosample free movies sexmovie free teengang movies bangmale porn movies gaymovies gagged in girls tv boundsex movie [...]

    Congrats, graduates

    Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

    This is another big year for graduates for me, this time from high school. When I have more time, I’d like to write about each one, but for now I’ll just shout them out: Jonathan Cedeno Chris Maldonado Sierra Perez Jenylee Santana Loreal Torres My mother-in-law Josephine Heaning (MS in Finance, Brooklyn College) And of [...]

    Fewer than 4 in 10 NYC high school students graduate

    Wednesday, June 21st, 2006

    “Education Week, which published the study, determined that only Detroit, with a 21.7% graduation rate, and Baltimore, with 38.5%, had a smaller percentage of kids earning diplomas in 2003 – the most recent national data available.” Article.See also, NPR’s report; Urban Institute.


    Monday, June 19th, 2006

    I gave my first commencement address on Saturday at Flushing Christian School (8th grade), a graduation of sorts for me as well as the students. Nineteen years ago, I was a self-conscious 8th grader giving the saluditory speach at my own junior high school graduation (self conscious mainly because of the make-up hiding bruising from [...]

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